First off, Unc - I heard that Mom told you that indeed that was a picture of my cankles a few posts down....but rest assured, those are NOT MY CANKLES!, although mine aren't that far off!!!
Also, I meant to mention it in the last post....a few of the other symptoms I'm experiencing (and loving!) in my pregnancy journey: the almost-constant pins-and-needles "7-Up feeling" in my fingers and toes, and now my belly button is slowly becoming less cavernous!
I hope it doesn't pop out like a little canoli - my girlfriend Mel's did, and it really just grossed me out!
And speaking of housecleaning - our house is a DISASTER because of the kitchen reno's we've got going on, and they don't plan on being finished until the end of next week (assuming they don't run into any real problems along the way). We're living in a state of mass hysteria (the stove's in the living room, the fridge in the hallway area), and I have a real bad feeling this baby's gonna come early BEFORE the kitchen's done....just cuz that's how my life works!
I'll keep my legs crossed for as long as I can!
As much as I'm feeling clausterphobic in my own home, I'm looking forward to the day when I don't have to wipe chipped-off bits of plaster from the back of the cupboard off my mixing bowls, and I don't have to fight with the drawers to get them opened or closed.
Just keep on cookin' in there, baby! Drop those plans of bustin' out early, cuz it ain't happening!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
35 weeks!
Well, I'm done! Work, that is....saw the dr on Thursday, and she pretty much signed the papers on the spot to get me off my feet and steer me towards bed rest. (She also told me that she just delivered one of her Christmas babies.... so technically, ours could very well come early, too!)
Oh, my fingers, hands and wrists are SO sore, it hurts to lift a pillow! And those sausage fingers have a hard time bending! I'm still congested, my tailbone and sciatic nerve won't let me forget what pain is!, and the water retention is out of this world!
So, that's it! Now I can spend these last few weeks sleeping (if I remember how to do that - I seem to maybe get 2hrs of sleep every night....I heard that's Mother Nature's way of getting my body ready for the lack of sleep I'll endure with our little jelly bean!), and of course, LOTS of nesting.
Our little baby's bum still perches itself right under my ribcage and pokes out of my side, just waiting for it to be patted! (a habit I hope s/he breaks once they're born!)
What else I'm experiencing now that's really fun....

I told Dono, with all the complaining I do, I'm loving every minute of it and wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! I'm going to miss all the kicks and summersaults and flutters and hiccups, and the little bum that sticks out of my right side!
But at the same time, I just can't wait to hold our little baby!
Now I have to go to a friend's baby shower and get some ideas on things for OUR baby! (Maybe if she gets duplicates of some items, she'll just give 'em to me!)
Maybe not.....!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tonite and my parent's place, I was sitting in the reclining chair, talking with Mom and my sis, rubbing my belly as I do all the time now, and I suddenly became startled and jumped up in the chair!
I felt something new!
It wasn't the bum or the head - oh no! - it was an elbow or a knee!!!! I had never felt this before! My mom rushed over to feel it too, and yup, she agreed, it was definitely NOT a body part I had been so used to feeling for so long! By the time Donovan came into the room, the baby had moved, so he didn't get the chance to feel it, but it's exciting to know that we're at THAT stage already, and hopefully he'll have plenty of chances in the future to feel this new little piece of our baby's anatomy!
I felt something new!
It wasn't the bum or the head - oh no! - it was an elbow or a knee!!!! I had never felt this before! My mom rushed over to feel it too, and yup, she agreed, it was definitely NOT a body part I had been so used to feeling for so long! By the time Donovan came into the room, the baby had moved, so he didn't get the chance to feel it, but it's exciting to know that we're at THAT stage already, and hopefully he'll have plenty of chances in the future to feel this new little piece of our baby's anatomy!
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Meaning 6-8 weeks until delivery.

34 weeks down, 6 weeks to go!

My legs are ginormous solid tree trunks!
(much like the picture dictates, but note - those are NOT MY CANKLES!)
Aside from that, some other fun things I'm experiencing include, but are not limited to:
- constant nasal congestion/stuffiness
- dry throat (which equals the need to drink all day long, which equals the need to pee all night long!)
- achy hands, it feels as though I have arthritis (not that I know what arthritis feels like, but if I could wager a guess, this would be it!)
- sciatic pain. All the time. !!!
- extreme fatigue
- the waddle!
I thought this 3rd trimester was supposed to be the best! HA!
Despite all that, I think I'm pretty lucky, if that's ALL I have to deal with.... plus, it's all worth it, knowing there's gonna be a super adorable baby in just 6 weeks!
Good lord, 6 weeks!!!!! I need to go do some more nesting!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
33 1/2 weeks - baby's getting a tad too cozy in there!
About 6 1/2 weeks to go, and this baby is finding its way around my "trunkal" region quite nicely! In fact, baby's getting a bit too cozy in my torso, if you ask me!
The big thing for the baby now, I've learned, is that the baby likes to go exploring.... and has just recently decided that it wants to try to climb up inside my rib cage!
At least we know we have a curious little jelly bean on our hands!
Baby likes to hang out on the right side of my belly, and Donovan and I find great pleasure in patting the little bum that pokes out from my side!
Tonite was our second-last prenatal class. Sooo glad we're doing it, we've learned so much and we're having fun! It's just too bad that it's 10:30pm now, and I've been up since 3am. A tad tired...I'm going to bed now (which usually means baby's in full-on "let's explore and play" mode!)
The big thing for the baby now, I've learned, is that the baby likes to go exploring.... and has just recently decided that it wants to try to climb up inside my rib cage!
At least we know we have a curious little jelly bean on our hands!
Baby likes to hang out on the right side of my belly, and Donovan and I find great pleasure in patting the little bum that pokes out from my side!
Tonite was our second-last prenatal class. Sooo glad we're doing it, we've learned so much and we're having fun! It's just too bad that it's 10:30pm now, and I've been up since 3am. A tad tired...I'm going to bed now (which usually means baby's in full-on "let's explore and play" mode!)
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Almost ready for baby!
Baba and Didi came over tonite, with the rest of my family, to celebrate my birthday (it's not until Tuesday, but I work until 5:30pm, and then Dono and I have prenatal class right afterwards until 9pm).

And along with them, they brought for the baby one of the items Donovan and I most recently started looking into buying....a bassinet! .... so now we have a place for baby upstairs in our bedroom!
It's BEAUTIFUL! With music and vibration settings, it's sure to be a hit with our little one! And now we're almost completely set for our baby's arrival!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Baba and Didi!!!!!!!

And along with them, they brought for the baby one of the items Donovan and I most recently started looking into buying....a bassinet! .... so now we have a place for baby upstairs in our bedroom!
It's BEAUTIFUL! With music and vibration settings, it's sure to be a hit with our little one! And now we're almost completely set for our baby's arrival!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Baba and Didi!!!!!!!
32 weeks = 8 MONTHS!!! HOLY COW!!!
I know I say this quite a bit, but WOW, time is flying!!!
I'm happy to report that I'm still stretch-mark and hemorrhoid free!!! LOL! Since the loss of my ankles (I now have solid tree trunks for legs, all the way down to my new puffy feet!), I've noticed that I've been retaining heaps of water all over. Well, by "I've noticed", I really mean, "my wedding rings don't fit anymore, no matter how hard I try!" So Donovan, being the sweetheart that he is, bought me a brand new ring to wear for the remainder of my pregnancy, so I don't have old ladies giving me dirty looks from the corners of their eyes anymore!
The $19.99 Superstore special! And it's a GORGEOUS forgery!
Nothing really new to report - work's getting tougher, standing on my feet 8.5hrs a day'll do that to you, and I find when I get home, I'm ready for bed. So I haven't been heaps of fun lately. Really, really tired - leg cramps, shooting pains, and all the other fun stuff that goes along with it....and I'm enjoying every minute of it!!! :)
I'm happy to report that I'm still stretch-mark and hemorrhoid free!!! LOL! Since the loss of my ankles (I now have solid tree trunks for legs, all the way down to my new puffy feet!), I've noticed that I've been retaining heaps of water all over. Well, by "I've noticed", I really mean, "my wedding rings don't fit anymore, no matter how hard I try!" So Donovan, being the sweetheart that he is, bought me a brand new ring to wear for the remainder of my pregnancy, so I don't have old ladies giving me dirty looks from the corners of their eyes anymore!
The $19.99 Superstore special! And it's a GORGEOUS forgery!
Nothing really new to report - work's getting tougher, standing on my feet 8.5hrs a day'll do that to you, and I find when I get home, I'm ready for bed. So I haven't been heaps of fun lately. Really, really tired - leg cramps, shooting pains, and all the other fun stuff that goes along with it....and I'm enjoying every minute of it!!! :)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Like father, like child.
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