So I'm posting almost 2 weeks late, but the ultrasound was a memory I'll never forget - it still feels like yesterday!
August 9th - Donovan and I arrived at 9:30'ish (the appointment was at 10). I had been drinking my water as prescribed. After returning the paperwork I had filled out to the reception desk, the lady there told me my appointment was at 10:30.
"Not at 10?" I asked. She confirmed - 10:30.
I asked her, then, since I had an hour to go, would it be alright if I had a quick pee, since I could start my drinking (of water!) again at 10 (since it needs to be done 1/2 prior to the appointment). The receptionist said it was fine.
So, I went for a little pee.
When I came out of the bathroom and sat down, literally a few seconds later, the ultrasound technician called my name.
"But I just had a little pee!" I told her, after explaining what the receptionist told me about my new appoinment time.
"That's ok," the tech said, and proceeded with the ultrasound. I was super excited for the first little bit! I mean, here's my baby! ...... I think..... here's SOMETHING, anyways! I couldn't make anything out! Yet the u/s tech is taking measurements and entering in data. I couldn't make sense out of what I was seeing - needless to say, the excitement, I hate to admit, started waning a bit.
And then....there they were....
Two of the world's most perfect little feet, up there on the screen, dancing and kicking about, for me to see!

I just lost it on the table, I wished my eyes wouldn't tear up as much as they were, because they were obstructing my view of my little baby's wonderful little dancing feet!
The u/s tech told me to go fill my bladder and she would see me again in 20 minutes.
As I wandered back to the waiting room, where Donovan was sitting patiently for me (he had to wait out there until the u/s tech was finished taking the measurements and stuff, and then he was to come in for the question/answer period at the end), I proceeded to tell him about our little Ukrainian dancer and the happy feet it has! I chugged back my 1L of water, and soon I was called back into the room.
Now everything seemed clearer! (My full bladder was able to push the baby up closer to the top of my belly, so the images were making a bit more sense to me!)
I SWEAR my baby waved at me (or flipped me the bird, in which case I was thinking, "Yup, THAT'S my baby!") lol
The u/s tech asked, "What's your husband's name?" as she was getting up from her place at the computer to call him in.
Donovan and I both thought he would just be seeing the snaps of the images she took, but as it turned out, he was privy to the live action video of our baby!
I'll let HIM tell you what he thought of it all!
We of course ordered a disc of pictures, and they were ready for pick up last Friday (just in time for "Baba Baz" to pull into town and partake in the glory of her first grandchild!
Here is my favourite:
August 9th - Donovan and I arrived at 9:30'ish (the appointment was at 10). I had been drinking my water as prescribed. After returning the paperwork I had filled out to the reception desk, the lady there told me my appointment was at 10:30.
"Not at 10?" I asked. She confirmed - 10:30.
I asked her, then, since I had an hour to go, would it be alright if I had a quick pee, since I could start my drinking (of water!) again at 10 (since it needs to be done 1/2 prior to the appointment). The receptionist said it was fine.
So, I went for a little pee.
When I came out of the bathroom and sat down, literally a few seconds later, the ultrasound technician called my name.
"But I just had a little pee!" I told her, after explaining what the receptionist told me about my new appoinment time.
"That's ok," the tech said, and proceeded with the ultrasound. I was super excited for the first little bit! I mean, here's my baby! ...... I think..... here's SOMETHING, anyways! I couldn't make anything out! Yet the u/s tech is taking measurements and entering in data. I couldn't make sense out of what I was seeing - needless to say, the excitement, I hate to admit, started waning a bit.
And then....there they were....
Two of the world's most perfect little feet, up there on the screen, dancing and kicking about, for me to see!

I just lost it on the table, I wished my eyes wouldn't tear up as much as they were, because they were obstructing my view of my little baby's wonderful little dancing feet!
The u/s tech told me to go fill my bladder and she would see me again in 20 minutes.
As I wandered back to the waiting room, where Donovan was sitting patiently for me (he had to wait out there until the u/s tech was finished taking the measurements and stuff, and then he was to come in for the question/answer period at the end), I proceeded to tell him about our little Ukrainian dancer and the happy feet it has! I chugged back my 1L of water, and soon I was called back into the room.
Now everything seemed clearer! (My full bladder was able to push the baby up closer to the top of my belly, so the images were making a bit more sense to me!)
I SWEAR my baby waved at me (or flipped me the bird, in which case I was thinking, "Yup, THAT'S my baby!") lol
The u/s tech asked, "What's your husband's name?" as she was getting up from her place at the computer to call him in.
Donovan and I both thought he would just be seeing the snaps of the images she took, but as it turned out, he was privy to the live action video of our baby!
I'll let HIM tell you what he thought of it all!
We of course ordered a disc of pictures, and they were ready for pick up last Friday (just in time for "Baba Baz" to pull into town and partake in the glory of her first grandchild!
Here is my favourite:

A side profile of our little Ukrainian dancer, sucking it's thumb!
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