Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Baby's first (unofficial) Halloween Costume!
Cat gives it two thumbs up! That's four thumbs between the both of us!
*Technically, it's six thumbs, but as Baby's thumbs cannot be confirmed to be either up or down, they were not counted in this poll.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
First pre-natal class, down the hatch!
Last night, Donovan and I went to our first pre-natal class. (Technically, it was the 2nd class held, but last week I was on a plane to Calgary for a meeting and had to skip out. On our FIRST class. I hope that doesn't make me a bad mother!!!)
Ok, so last night - we're SO glad we went, it was unlike anything we had expected. The facilitator is great, the people are nice, the info is a tad overwhelming.
The videos.....well, the videos....
After watching the videos, I leaned over to Donovan and told him, in as calm a voice as possible so as not to draw attention to myself or to convey to him the sheer panic that I was sure was swelling up in my throat, that "they" (being the powers that be) needed to find a different way of getting this baby out of me, because there's NO WAY I was going to go through what I witnessed on the screen before me.
Now I've seen videos like this before in Health class back in junior high, and heck, even TLC's The Baby Story can be a bit unnerving, but to know that this is REAL, and that we're 2 months away from THAT being ME on the bed, screaming bloody murder and squeezing an 8lb baby out of an opening the size of a coaster - well, it's just more real now, and I think the fear is starting to set in.
The only thing that got me through those videos was my baby - thank goodness the baby was doing gymnastics in my belly, because watching the entertainment our little Jelly Bean provided certainly took my mind off the pain I'll be going through to bring it into this world!
2 months until I can have a glass of wine...
Scratch that.
2 months until I can have a BOTTLE of wine. Or 2. !!!
Ok, so last night - we're SO glad we went, it was unlike anything we had expected. The facilitator is great, the people are nice, the info is a tad overwhelming.
The videos.....well, the videos....
After watching the videos, I leaned over to Donovan and told him, in as calm a voice as possible so as not to draw attention to myself or to convey to him the sheer panic that I was sure was swelling up in my throat, that "they" (being the powers that be) needed to find a different way of getting this baby out of me, because there's NO WAY I was going to go through what I witnessed on the screen before me.
Now I've seen videos like this before in Health class back in junior high, and heck, even TLC's The Baby Story can be a bit unnerving, but to know that this is REAL, and that we're 2 months away from THAT being ME on the bed, screaming bloody murder and squeezing an 8lb baby out of an opening the size of a coaster - well, it's just more real now, and I think the fear is starting to set in.
The only thing that got me through those videos was my baby - thank goodness the baby was doing gymnastics in my belly, because watching the entertainment our little Jelly Bean provided certainly took my mind off the pain I'll be going through to bring it into this world!
2 months until I can have a glass of wine...
Scratch that.
2 months until I can have a BOTTLE of wine. Or 2. !!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Daddy has reached the third trimester!
Donovan here!
Well, I've officially reached the third trimester of Daddyhood. Symptoms include:
Other signs I've hit the third trimester of daddyhood include:
Well, I've officially reached the third trimester of Daddyhood. Symptoms include:
- Sudden inexplicable ability to identify Braxton Hicks contractions, even though you have no idea what that even means; and
- Marked increase in ability to convince your wife that you know what you are talking about (especially in regards to Braxton Hicks contractions).
Other signs I've hit the third trimester of daddyhood include:
- Increased hormonal production, affecting one's ability to refrain from getting emotional during Wilford Brimley commercials;
- substantial weight gain, especially in the "body" area;
- loss of bed space;
- Ability to sit through an entire episode of Full House; and
- Creating secret caches of candy and comic books, for emergency use after pregnancy.
30 weeks!
Good lord, time is flying by!
Today is the official 30-week mark, and I'm sick (again) with a cold or flu bug or SOMETHING. Nothing that a new haircut and some nice Old Navy faternity clothes can't take care of! Yeah, right! lol
Aside from that, I'm LOVING being pregnant! The baby is hyper almost all day long now, lots of kicking and punching, lots of summersaults, my belly looks as though there's an alien in there trying to break out! It's pretty wild! We managed to get a bit of video footage of this phenomenon a while back, hope to do s'more.
I can't believe that we have 10 weeks to go! Mind you, that's what they SAY is left....I have a few girlfriends who are overdue at this point, so I guess the 40-week mark really doesn't mean anything! Doesn't matter though - I told Baba Baz (what WILL we call you?!) that I'll try to squeeze this baby out on her birthday - Dec 20th! - so that the baby's born on G'ma's birthday, just like Donovan was born on HIS G'pa's birthday! Now THAT would be a trip!
Well, time for bed (for ME, that is....now's the time, when Mommy lies down for the night, that Baby gets REALLY active!).
Today is the official 30-week mark, and I'm sick (again) with a cold or flu bug or SOMETHING. Nothing that a new haircut and some nice Old Navy faternity clothes can't take care of! Yeah, right! lol
Aside from that, I'm LOVING being pregnant! The baby is hyper almost all day long now, lots of kicking and punching, lots of summersaults, my belly looks as though there's an alien in there trying to break out! It's pretty wild! We managed to get a bit of video footage of this phenomenon a while back, hope to do s'more.
I can't believe that we have 10 weeks to go! Mind you, that's what they SAY is left....I have a few girlfriends who are overdue at this point, so I guess the 40-week mark really doesn't mean anything! Doesn't matter though - I told Baba Baz (what WILL we call you?!) that I'll try to squeeze this baby out on her birthday - Dec 20th! - so that the baby's born on G'ma's birthday, just like Donovan was born on HIS G'pa's birthday! Now THAT would be a trip!
Well, time for bed (for ME, that is....now's the time, when Mommy lies down for the night, that Baby gets REALLY active!).
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Nursery pics!
Hi everyone, Donovan here, letting Cat take a break from typing so she can get some well deserved rest! I don't post on this blog as much as I'd like - and today, I'm going to talk about one reason why!
The nursery!
After a couple of weeks of washing down walls, painting, and looking for/buying/assembling furniture, we're done! Well, actually, there's still the matter of the new light fixture, but, if any of you are familiar with the Electrical Incident story, you'll know that I'm going to have to call in some outside help for that!!!
For the last 7 months, Cat has been hard at work creating a miracle in her belly. Sure, putting together a change table is NOWHERE near as complicated (okay, for me it was!), but it's finally given me a bit of a sense that I can contribute something to help get ready for our little bundle of joy!
Well, enough of my yapping! Here's some photos! Enjoy being clean while you can, Mr. Change Table!

You may notice, there's a bit of a cute rabbit/sheep theme going on here. That valence above the window just gets me! Whoah, I know what a valence is? I guess they're right, you learn a lot being a parent.
Ahhh, the crib du grace! It's in this crib where our little one is going to spend his/her nights falling blissfully asleep in peaceful silence, not disturbing anyone. Ha! I have a funny feeling that rug is going to be my new bed, while I pass out from exhaustion, trying to get our tyke to fall asleep! 
The room is really quite cozy and comfy, when you get a nice single lamp going in the middle of the night. And of course, yes, the lamp is covered in sheep and rabbits! We Yaciuk's don't do anything without going all the way!
So there you have it! Slowly but surely, the house taking shape, getting ready to take care of our young family.
Only a few more weeks to go!
The nursery!
After a couple of weeks of washing down walls, painting, and looking for/buying/assembling furniture, we're done! Well, actually, there's still the matter of the new light fixture, but, if any of you are familiar with the Electrical Incident story, you'll know that I'm going to have to call in some outside help for that!!!
For the last 7 months, Cat has been hard at work creating a miracle in her belly. Sure, putting together a change table is NOWHERE near as complicated (okay, for me it was!), but it's finally given me a bit of a sense that I can contribute something to help get ready for our little bundle of joy!
Well, enough of my yapping! Here's some photos! Enjoy being clean while you can, Mr. Change Table!

You may notice, there's a bit of a cute rabbit/sheep theme going on here. That valence above the window just gets me! Whoah, I know what a valence is? I guess they're right, you learn a lot being a parent.

Only a few more weeks to go!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
29 weeks old!
TONS of flutters and kicks, and my belly moves like ocean waves!
In fact, just the other day, Donovan and I were able to feel a little bum (or head) poking through!
Donovan caught some of the motion on video today, it's pretty fun to watch (for US, maybe not so much for EVERYONE ELSE!).
The nursery's aaalmost done now, just a few things missing here and there, but for the most part, we're ready! I have to re-wash all the baby clothes we bought in Grand Forks (turned out I washed them in the wrong type of detergent, so we went out and bought some special stuff specific for baby). It's just finding the time to do it all, then I can fold it all up and put it all away in the dresser.
Well, baby's about 15.5 inches and almost 3lbs!!! Had a dr's app't on Wednesday, and everything's going well! I can't believe it, it's all going by too quickly!
In fact, just the other day, Donovan and I were able to feel a little bum (or head) poking through!
Donovan caught some of the motion on video today, it's pretty fun to watch (for US, maybe not so much for EVERYONE ELSE!).
The nursery's aaalmost done now, just a few things missing here and there, but for the most part, we're ready! I have to re-wash all the baby clothes we bought in Grand Forks (turned out I washed them in the wrong type of detergent, so we went out and bought some special stuff specific for baby). It's just finding the time to do it all, then I can fold it all up and put it all away in the dresser.
Well, baby's about 15.5 inches and almost 3lbs!!! Had a dr's app't on Wednesday, and everything's going well! I can't believe it, it's all going by too quickly!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Coming up to 28 weeks!
This has been a pretty eventful week, and it's not over yet!
A few weeks back, all our nursery stuff came in - and WOW, do we ever love it! The bedding set, curtains/valances, wall coverings and wall paper border, etc. It's a wonderfully adorable theme of sheep, bunnies and chickies. Sooo cute! Not everything has been put into place just yet, but we're ready for the most part in case baby comes early (like Daddy did!).
Baba Baz (we haven't officially decided on a name for her yet!) came into town on Tuesday and felt the baby kick for the first time! The baby wasn't as cooperative as I had hoped, but was still active nonetheless!
And yesterday, I got to experience something new - I was at Mom & Dad's place, sitting at the kitchen table with my hands resting on the top of my belly, chatting with Mom, when I felt a foot!....or an elbow....or SOMETHING! It wasn't the typical kick I'm used to feeling - this now had a definite angle to it - the punch/kick was more defined, SOMETHING poked out of my belly!
VERY cool indeed!
Early yesterday morning, I woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom - usually, when I wake up in the morning, after about 10 minutes, baby's up and kicking around and ready for the day. But for some reason, THAT morning, as soon as I rolled out of bed and waddled downstairs, I felt something that just broke my heart - the baby gave me a couple of soft, slow, sleepy kicks, as if to say, "Mommy, why are you up so early? I'm sooo tired!" It was so sweet and cute and heartbreaking all at the same time! But then again, WHO'S fault is it that I'm up at 4am for a pee? :)
Today, Donovan and I made a day trip to Grand Forks - what with the dollar being as wicked as it is, we decided now's the time to head down and pick up a travel system, some onesies, diapers and wipes, and other baby goods that are much cheaper in the States than here at home. Quite a long and tiring day, but very productive at the same time. Now we're thaaaaaat much closer to being ready for baby's arrival!
Baby has been quite active lately, especially in the evening until late at night - just moving around like s/he owns the place...which, I guess s/he kinda DOES... but it's been so exciting to experience!
Well, it's nearly 10pm, and I'm ready to hit the hay!
I hope everyone's getting as big a kick out of reading our little adventures as I am recording them! Only 85 days until Pop Day!!!!!
A few weeks back, all our nursery stuff came in - and WOW, do we ever love it! The bedding set, curtains/valances, wall coverings and wall paper border, etc. It's a wonderfully adorable theme of sheep, bunnies and chickies. Sooo cute! Not everything has been put into place just yet, but we're ready for the most part in case baby comes early (like Daddy did!).
Baba Baz (we haven't officially decided on a name for her yet!) came into town on Tuesday and felt the baby kick for the first time! The baby wasn't as cooperative as I had hoped, but was still active nonetheless!
And yesterday, I got to experience something new - I was at Mom & Dad's place, sitting at the kitchen table with my hands resting on the top of my belly, chatting with Mom, when I felt a foot!....or an elbow....or SOMETHING! It wasn't the typical kick I'm used to feeling - this now had a definite angle to it - the punch/kick was more defined, SOMETHING poked out of my belly!
VERY cool indeed!
Early yesterday morning, I woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom - usually, when I wake up in the morning, after about 10 minutes, baby's up and kicking around and ready for the day. But for some reason, THAT morning, as soon as I rolled out of bed and waddled downstairs, I felt something that just broke my heart - the baby gave me a couple of soft, slow, sleepy kicks, as if to say, "Mommy, why are you up so early? I'm sooo tired!" It was so sweet and cute and heartbreaking all at the same time! But then again, WHO'S fault is it that I'm up at 4am for a pee? :)
Today, Donovan and I made a day trip to Grand Forks - what with the dollar being as wicked as it is, we decided now's the time to head down and pick up a travel system, some onesies, diapers and wipes, and other baby goods that are much cheaper in the States than here at home. Quite a long and tiring day, but very productive at the same time. Now we're thaaaaaat much closer to being ready for baby's arrival!
Baby has been quite active lately, especially in the evening until late at night - just moving around like s/he owns the place...which, I guess s/he kinda DOES... but it's been so exciting to experience!
Well, it's nearly 10pm, and I'm ready to hit the hay!
I hope everyone's getting as big a kick out of reading our little adventures as I am recording them! Only 85 days until Pop Day!!!!!
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