The nursery!
After a couple of weeks of washing down walls, painting, and looking for/buying/assembling furniture, we're done! Well, actually, there's still the matter of the new light fixture, but, if any of you are familiar with the Electrical Incident story, you'll know that I'm going to have to call in some outside help for that!!!
For the last 7 months, Cat has been hard at work creating a miracle in her belly. Sure, putting together a change table is NOWHERE near as complicated (okay, for me it was!), but it's finally given me a bit of a sense that I can contribute something to help get ready for our little bundle of joy!
Well, enough of my yapping! Here's some photos! Enjoy being clean while you can, Mr. Change Table!

You may notice, there's a bit of a cute rabbit/sheep theme going on here. That valence above the window just gets me! Whoah, I know what a valence is? I guess they're right, you learn a lot being a parent.

Only a few more weeks to go!
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