Guess that's what happens now that we're in the final stretch here!
I have to say, I am THE luckiest gal in the history of the world! I have the GREATEST husband of all time! He's super attentive, giving, and selfless - I feel bad sometimes when we're in the store, and in a hurry to get stuff done, but I just physically can't walk any faster than a turtle - Donovan doesn't complain or get upset - instead, he offers to carry my purse or my coat, gives me his arm, and contently keeps pace with me! And if we're at a table, waiting for dinner at a restaurant, or just taking a break from walking, he'll take my hands and just start to rub the constant pins-and-needles feeling outta 'em! How did I get such a great guy?!
And I can already tell he's going to be an AWESOME dad, too! He's very good at rubbing the baby's bum out of my ribcage, when baby perches him/herself up in there and I can't breathe! And he loves to sing, read, talk to and kiss my belly! He's so excited, as am I, as is EVERYONE ELSE, and I can't wait for this baby to come already so we can all meet him/her, and spoil them silly! :)
But baby can wait until after Christmas....too much to do still!!!

Yesterday, we purchased a ring sling. All my girlfriends who have babies SWEAR by these things. Research says, "A large part of confidence is the ability to read baby’s cues successfully. When a baby is held close in a sling, a parent becomes finely attuned to baby’s gestures and facial expressions....Every time a baby is able to let his parent know when he is hungry, bored, or wet without having to cry, his trust in the parent is increased, his learning is enhanced, and a parent’s confidence is reinforced. This cycle of positive interaction enhances the mutual attachment between parent and child, and it makes life more enjoyable for everyone."
Who knows if it's true or not, but I'm willing to give it a shot! Besides, the babies look so cute when they're all curled up inside the sling, right next to momma!
Another app't next week - this past week's app't has me worried - I asked the dr if my baby seems to be growing well, that it's at a healthy size and weight, and she said, "Oh yeah." I told her I put a bet in Donovan's work's baby pool that I'm going to have a 9lb 6oz baby, and she said that's a pretty good guess! She seems to think baby's between 8-9lbs right now! Good lordy!
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