Just been busy sleeping and walking and nesting! :)
Friday's fetal assessment was just to ensure the amniotic fluid levels are alright, that baby's doing ok - and sure enough, everything looks GREAT!
The F/A was perhaps one of the most amazing things we had experienced! The u/s tech was SUPER nice, and explained to us what we were looking at (unlike the tech we had at our first u/s back in August). We could actually SEE things - the heart beating, legs kicking - and the FACE! I was able to make out the features on our baby's face!!!!! Absolutely breathtaking! Looks like baby's going to have Daddy's nose! And Mommy's long feet! The u/s tech took this picture of baby's feet to give to us!:

And in case you can't see it (don't worry, Donovan couldn't either until I pointed it out to him), it's a side view of the foot...see?:

ISN'T THAT AMAZING??!! Or is that only a foot a mother could love?! ;) The u/s tech told us the baby's probably about 8 1/2 lbs (thank god, b/c I thought I was having a 60lb kidlet! Well, with all the weight I've put on, I was HOPING it would be a 60lb'er!).
Anyhoo, since the F/A showed that baby's doing just fine hangin' out in that ol' uterus of mine, there's no rush to get me in to be induced, SOOO, we're scheduled for induction Monday!!!
As in, THIS Monday!
However, because I'm GBS positive, I understand that if I have to be induced, I'll be in the high risk area, which sucks because after delivery, I'll be stuck in a room with 5 other women, no TV, and worst of all, Donovan wouldn't be able to spend the nights with us!
SO, with that in mind, we've been doing LOTS of walking and spicy-food eating to try to get this baby to come out on it's own!
Guess my uterus is just THAT comfy! Well that's good to know - once baby vacates the premises, perhaps we can look into renting out my belly for top dollar!
Either way, in a few short days, Donovan and I will be parents.
Whoa. !!!!
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