I can't believe it was 4 WEEKS AGO that we first met our li'l angel! My, how she's grown!
The public health nurse stopped by today, and Maddy got weighed (just like her mom, HATES being on the scale!). Our girl is a whopping 8lbs 15oz! Look how much she's changed in 4 weeks!:

Here are some of her little Maddy'isms for this week:
- she's so much more alert now - won't necessarily cry and fuss when she's awake, she'll just look around, kick her legs, and she's content to discover her hands and toes!
- her favourite songs include Elton John's "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" (sorry Mike!) and Joaquin Phoenix's version of "Get Rhythm"
- the way she reaches up for my face when I'm feeding her, and the way she grasps Donovan's arms when he holds her upright to burp her
- how much she loves her baths
- her 4 chins and 7 elbow creases! She's a little butterball! I love it!
- the way she "smiles" at me when I snuggle in close to her and tell her I love her!
I can't believe she's 4 weeks old already.
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