So remember how I vowed to update this more often?
Yeah, not gonna happen! lol
Especially not now, since our little Roo has become mobile.
YES, you read that right! She's a baby on the go!
It's marked on her calendar, so I can't recall off-hand the exact day she figured out how to crawl (both forwards AND backwards - for a while there, she was just able to pop 'er in reverse!), but once she realized she wasn't limited to only one direction, she just picked up like she'd been doing it forever! And now, she's even at the stage where she can pull herself up onto things! Crazy!
This is what we've been up to since my last post:
Donovan and I celebrated 3 years of wedded bliss in September (he reminds me that we've been married for 4, but I tell him that only 3 of those years have been blissful...!) HAHA! So to celebrate, we went out for dinner and a movie, and Baba and Auntie got to babysit! Madelyn had a blast playing with her cousin, but I missed her so much so that I didn't even enjoy the movie! I couldn't stop thinking about her, and we couldn't wait to go and pick her up and bring her home!
It wasn't much soon after that we took our Roo over to Baba and Didi's house again so that Donovan and I could go to the Elton John concert! It was during this time now that Madelyn started waking up around 11pm, just screaming and scaring the bejeebus outta us - and Baba and Auntie, too! We learned that she graced them with this little episode that night, but they reassured us that she quickly fell back asleep soon afterwards.
I also started taking a course on Tuesday nights, for 4 hours, from 6-10pm. This gives Daddy and Maddy a chance to have some quality father-daughter time, and I love calling on my break in class to see how they're doing, and to hear her asking for me! :)
Madelyn's first Thanksgiving was a fun-filled weekend! A visit from Grandma (and a surprise appearance by Grandpa Mike, too!) kicked-started the holidays, rounded out by dinner with my family on the holiday Monday. Just a few days later, we were off to Ottawa for a Sens vs Coyotes game! Madelyn was a handful, I won't lie. She was in the car seat on the direct flt to YOW, so that was ok - got in a nap about half an hour before landing, but just fussy otherwise. Poor thing! Good thing they stuck us in the back of the jet! lol
While at the hotel, our little girl didn't have any room to crawl around, so to make up for it, Daddy took her swimming in our hotel's wave pool - the largest of it's kind in Ontario! She LOVED it! And at the game, she did so well! She actually fell asleep in my lap! Imagine that! In a crowd of thousands who were cheering and screaming, and piercing sirens, MY LITTLE GIRL fell asleep on my lap! Not that hockey bored her - she quite enjoys it, in fact! But I guess the time change and being stuck in a car seat for a lot of the time finally took it's toll on her. We were on a plane the next morning, and even with a 2hr layover in YYZ, where we were finally able to get her out and about, she just made us so proud with how well she did!
Since she loved the wave pool so much, I decided we should sign up for some sort of swimming classes. So, twice a week, the Roo and I go to Baby & Me Aquasize class. It's lots of fun! Plus it's a great way for her to use up all those Little Swimmers I bought her!
Madelyn's 1st Halloween:
She was a little duck! And looking completely edible in her costume, too! I seriously just wanted to take a bite outta her! She dressed up and we went to visit Daddy at work, and then it was off to a Halloween party with all the babies and mommies from our prenatal class. She won the award for Cutest Costume! Naturally! ;) Then it was back home to get ready for all the kiddies who were gonna come around. She was such a little ham in her outfit, with her "bucka-bucka" sounds and crawling around everywhere!
At her last appointment in October (her 9 month check-up), she clocked in at 21 lbs on the scale! She's super tall, too - already wearing sz 18 month clothes! WOW! That's my girl!
I'm going to get Donovan to blog about some things, too - I know I'm missing so much, but when so much time passes, it's hard to find a moment to put it all into words the emotion of the moment and such. But I just wanted to catch everyone up for now!
Here are the latest Maddy'isms:
- waves "bye-bye" and "hello" at people, herself in the mirror, and the big picture of herself in the hallway!
- loves loves LOVES ceiling fans, and points to them to have them turned on (and, with Mommy's help, has learned how to flip the switch to turn the kitchen fan on!)
- pretty much points at anything, not just ceiling fans!
- her expanding vocabulary includes: mama, dada, baba, da (that or there), ba (bum.... or ball... or any other "b" word, I guess!), bucka-bucka, nana, doy
- her latest phase - spitting when she eats. Not spitting UP, just spitting. Like mimicking the sound of an elephant. We tell her "no", but she smiles and continues it anyways. It's so cute, but so frustrating at the same time, especially when I've just spent an hour scrubbing the macaroni and beef stains outta the kitchen floor! But she's at the tail-end of this phase, I do believe (thankfully)!
- still loves her book Bunny Kisses, and she can give the bunny kisses herself now! Always does at the end of the story, she just leans in and kisses the bunny, without being prompted! And she pushes the "kisses" button all by herself, too. Smart girl!
- learning how to ask questions, as in, raises her voice at the end of a sound. She'll point to the ceiling fan and say "da?" Like, "what's that?" or "why the heck isn't this on already for me?" lol
- she's got 2 more teeth! Her 2 "fangs", and as of now, she's cutting her 2 front teeth, too! No wonder she's been a bit of a crank lately!
- despite the fact that she fell asleep on my lap at a live hockey game, this girl LOVES hockey! Put her in the jumperoo in front of the tv on TSN, and she just goes wild! Daddy's dream come true!
- recognizes voices over the phone. You can actually see her face light up when she hears Grandma saying "hi Maddy" to her, and she just gets so excited when Alexis calls to say hello!
- she gives kisses to the person on the other end of the line by leaning her head in with her big open mouth and "kissing" the phone!

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