She really is growing up so fast...
I was a little lazy tonight, and I made Madelyn some Kraft Dinner for supper. It's always a hit, provided I don't do it two nights in a row! I called her in from watching Calliou (her new favourite show!) so she could have a bite to eat, and when she got into the room, I asked her to climb up on to her booster seat to have some supper! She's got more than enough strength and agility to manage the climb and seat herself!
Well, there was no way she was having any of that. I got a little bummed out thinking that I made all this food and she was squirming out of my grasp while I tried to force her in her seat. So, I reluctantly set her down,and before I could think of how I was going to get that food into her, she ran over to the nearest non-booster seated chair, pulled it out, climbed into it, and asked for her Kraft Dinner!
Well, I'll be darned. She's 2 going on 3! What's next... makeup?
So I turned on the radio, got her bib on, got myself a bowl, and sat down next to her. Father and Daughter, eating Kraft Dinner at the kitchen table, talking about their days. (Well, mostly HER day).
I asked Madelyn if my Kraft Dinner was any good, and rather than respond with the usual simple "Yeah", or "Dat's good", or "Good Kraft Dinner", she turned, looked at me, and said...
"Yes, Daddy! That's good Kraft Dinner in the bowl! Daddy can have some too!".
Her sentences are growning exponentially. Just last week they consisted of a few nouns separated by "inn-inn-inna", which she uses to fill in the spaces between the words she DOES know in order to speak in sentences like Mommy and Daddy.
During a lull in the ensuing conversation, "Hold On", one of the few good Santana songs, came over the radio. While it's referring to two lovers, there was one verse that stuck out at me, and I thought summed up what I was feeling during that supper, where I noticed Madelyn making yet another huge step into toddlerhood...
Got to concentrate, file away
Every last detail
Don’t want to lose what’s going down
I want to remember everything I’m feeling
Should time try fading or stealing something away
Madelyn's exceedingly sweet, gibberish filled sentences are on their way out the door.
I'm sad to see them go, but am really enjoying the thrill of sitting down to a meal and having actual conversations with her!
Here's a shot of Madelyn, midway through our supper date.

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