One episode we watched on repeat was one that highlighted Pablo, the little blue penguin, as a cleaning-obsessed pirate on his ship. Pirate Captain Moody was his name. And he had a little ditty that he sang (as they all did, all the time). As Madelyn watched it on repeat, she was able to learn the words:
"Clean, clean, clean, my ship must be clean..."
She'd sing this while "helping" Mommy sweep the kitchen floor, or putting her toys away, or whatever required her attention.
Lately, she hasn't been too interested in The Backyardigans, instead focusing her attention on the Care Bears or the standard Dora or even The Little Mermaid.
However, today, Madelyn channelled her inner pirate, a throwback to her Backyardigan days, by picking up a roll of paper towels and looking through the tube at me. "Arrrrr, Mommy, I'm Pirate Captain Madelyn!" she exclaimed in her best pirate voice as I was making supper.
"Oh really?" I said. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Pirate Captain Madelyn!"
Noticing what I was doing, and not being a fan of the concept of supper to begin with, the Roo stated, "Arrr Mommy, pirates don't eat supper!"
"They don't? Well then what do pirates eat?"
And without hesitation, Madelyn responded: "They eat treats and carrots."
Perhaps she was getting "pirates" mixed up with the "Easter bunny". Understandable, since the holiday was just a few short days ago. (I should note that she eventually DID eat her supper, carrots included!, with the promise of enjoying some Easter treats for dessert!)