Friday, April 22, 2011

What goes "bump" in the night...

The other night, probably around midnight, well after everyone had settled in, Madelyn took a tumble.

Now no one knows for sure what happened, we can only go by what she told us, and what she told us was that she had fell out of bed (not sure how with the bed rail?) and hit her head on the floor!

Regardless if it was the floor she hit her head on, or if she just bumped it against the wall or her headboard as she's done once or twice before, one thing was certain - her noggin took a bit of a lickin'.

She was sobbing. I would've, too! You're woken from a deep sleep, you're in pain, it's pitch black, maybe you've just had a bad dream must have been scary for her.

By the time we got to her bedroom, all of less than 30 seconds since she stared crying, we threw open the door and found her sitting on her bed, crying. I climbed onto her bed, and pulled her into my lap. She was curled up on me, her sobs starting to dwindle, as we asked her what had happened. No goose eggs, no blood, her crying stopped, and she was leaning back towards her Dora pillow, so we kissed her goodnight, and that was that.

Hated that she was upset and crying, but LOVED the chance to get that good snuggle in. And it was a good one. Short, but I adored every moment of being able to hold her and have her just cuddle into me, and loved that I was able to calm her down.

The next morning, Donovan told me that when he went in to get her up, the first words out of her mouth were about that moment during the night, but she corrected herself as she recounted the story for Daddy:

"Daddy, I fell and hit my head and I was crying and then Mommy held, first Mommy picked me up and THEN Mommy held me and I stopped crying and went back to sleep!"

I was able to relive that precious bittersweet moment all over again, but this time it was more sweet than bitter, because it meant THAT much to her, that not only was it the FIRST thing that she told Daddy about, but she made sure to tell the story PROPERLY!


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