Saturday, August 16, 2008

I haven't forgotten!

Just a quick note to say that I recognize the fact that my last blog entry was June 20-something, and I tells ya, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't say, "Man, I really need to blog!". But, at the same time, that comment is usually followed up with a big heaping serving of lack of time.

But I will find the time in the next few days, because the Maddy'isms at this point are just out of control, and I need to document them before she learns how to drive!

It's almost 11pm and we're just about to head to bed after a VERY long day, so I'll leave you with this - a few pics from the past couple of weeks that we took with our new camera!

I promise to update this soon - LOTS to fill y'all in on!