Well, that would make sense, since every day is filled to the brim with the joys of nurturing a 21-WEEK OLD BABY!
Our little Maddy Roo is absolutely the joy of our lives. I truly believe she's an old soul in the body of a healthy, 16.5 LB, 25" LONG baby!
Yes, you read that right!
Maddy Roo had her 4-month immunization shots on May 21 (again, cried a bit during the actual needles themselves, but was a completely content baby afterwards), and the numbers don't lie - Mommy's little Reesey Poo (yes, I'm a sucker for cutesy pet names that rhyme with each other!) measured a whopping 25" long - gaining 1 inch since her last appointment 2 months ago. Makes sense - at 3 months, she was wearing 6-month sized clothing. Now, at nearly 5 months, she's comfortable in 9-month-sized sleepers.
It's astounding how much her personality has developed, and how much she changes from day to day. Since she hit the 3-month mark, she (for the most part) sleeps through the night - her routine consists of bath time at 9pm, feeding, cuddles and kisses, and in bed by 9:45'ish. We awaken to her coos and the swooshing sounds of her sleeper-covered feet kicking against the material on the inside of the bassinet between 6 and 7am.
Her eyes hold a wisdom beyond her years. It's hard to explain - maybe it's because she's just incredibly alert and curious about her surroundings, but when she locks eyes with me, I just feel as though she knows so much more than we think she does. She's very smart, very funny, very cuddly and very precious. And that makes us VERY lucky! :)
Let's see....Maddy'isms...so many to catch everyone up on!:
- she laughs! LOVE her laugh! Caught her first laugh on video, and I think she caught herself off guard when she did it, but it's certainly developed into a hearty belly laugh! And she also has the cutest (I'm not biased) giggles, accompanied by the most beautifully big toothless grin you'd ever be lucky enough to see!
- she's discovered her fingers, loves watching them in front of her face! Subsequently, she's also discovered her toes, and as of recently, enjoys immensely shoving them in her mouth for a good gumming!
- she's started teething! Drool, red cheeks, a bit of a fever, EVERYTHING goes in the mouth... no teeth have cut through yet, and some days, you'd never know she was teething at all.
- as of this past weekend, she's rolled over onto her tummy (when Mommy left the room)! But luckily Mommy got to witness it first-hand today!
- she hugs us back
- she gives kisses (big open mouth kisses!)
- chirp, chirp, chirp....she's such a chatterbox! She started off by chirping, and then started hooting like an owl! (Along with all the other pet names Mommy has for her, she's also dubbed her Owl or Birdie, for this reason alone!) Now she babbles and babbles and holds conversations quite well!
- she's started to look behind her...but not in the conventional way you or I would; she looks behind her by tilting her head as far up as it can go, so she's looking at you upside-down!
- she lies in bed and sings to herself in the mornings, waiting patiently for Mom and Dad to feed her!
- she has a favourite song: Winnie the Pooh! Whenever Mommy sings it, in the heat of a really horribly fussy crying fit, Maddy Roo instantly stops crying and begins to smile!
- recognizes words and names - as in, when Mommy asks, "Reesey Poo, would you like to have snuggles with MOMMY?", she breaks into an uncontrollable giggly fit. Or when Mommy says, "Reesey Poo, guess who's coming home to see you? DADDY!" her mouth opens as wide as it can get and the cutest little high-pitched squeals come out, and her eyes just light up like fireworks!
- still loves bath time
- can sometimes put her soother (plug) back in her mouth if it falls out (and she just happens to be holding it)
- loves the sunshine and the wind in her face!
- does well on road trips (took our first out to Sifton to visit Grandma this weekend - success!)
- she's already said her first word! Well, kinda - not like she really KNOWS, but she says Mum... of course, she says "mmmmummm" when she's crying, and she's picked up on "dada", but says his name when she's laughing. Go figure!!!! lol
Here are some updated pics! On April 12, Madelyn Reese was baptized. Isn't she an angel in her gown? Auntie Leanne is her godmother, and Richard Borys is her godfather - he came in all the way from Okotoks for the event! It was so special to have him there, we're so honoured he accepted the role!
Then there's a pic of Maddy Roo in her track suit - we all went out for our first family walk together, and Mommy had to make sure she was dressed for it!
Next there's Reesey Poo in her bumbo seat - what a big little girl she is!
Then, here's her reaction to the damn peacock that shrieked so loud it scared the bejeebus outta my baby! First trip to the zoo - hope it's not our last!

And here's the most recent clip we've uploaded to YouTube: May 25 - she's having fun exploring her vocal range, and for the first time, she's not camera shy! In fact, she hams it up for the lens! LOVE IT! Enjoy!
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