We completely expected Maddy Roo to not enjoy the plane - the take-off and landing, the change in the cabin's air pressure, popping ears, etc. We were prepared for, and hesitantly anticipating, a screaming little girl, and we loaded her up with all her friends, links rings, toys, ANYTHING we were armed with, so as to distract her as best we could from the horrific experience that lay ahead.
Strapped in her carseat beside the window, Maddy Roo looked slightly confused at her surroundings, and mildly amused with our attempts to keep her playing. With one hand caressing her marshmallow cheeks and a thumb on her plug to keep it in her mouth (so she'd continuously suck and swallow, and hopefully avoid the popping eardrum syndrome), and the other hand squeezing Donovan's knee with suspense, we started barrelling down the runway, the scream of the engines right outside our window, the force of the speed pushing us against our seats.
I heard a couple of other babies on board beginning to get upset, their excruciatingly loud cries drowning out the roar of the engines. I looked at Maddy Roo, and she looked back at me, sucked on her soother, and turned to look out the window at the world rushing by outside.
No reaction.
Yup, that's right! You'd never know my girl was on board this plane! No cries, no fussing - in fact, no peeps, except for the few minutes of gurgles and bubble-blowing she entertained us with mid-flight! A couple of quick naps, a bottle, and gazing around occupied her time, and completely confused Donovan and myself!
Surely she would be a handful once we landed - we'll pay for her good behaviour on the plane with fussiness the rest of the day.
She was an absolute DREAM! Happy, laughing, sleeping - just a sweetheart the whole day, the flight back home included.
How on earth did we get so lucky?
Now that we know she travels well, we're hittin' up Hawaii!!!!
Here are some pics of our girl on the plane:

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