Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Reesey is a very independent girl...

I was able to get out of work early tonite, just in time to come home to my girl's bath and bedtime! After her splish splash, I was getting her dressed into her jammies, but SHE was determined to put her top on by herself!

I wanna do it myself, Mommy!

Figured it out - look how proud she is!

Yep, I pretty much rock!

Time to take it off and try again (not without a bit of a struggle first!)

There, it's off! Let's make sure that wasn't just beginner's luck!

Figuring it out again...

....there's the hole....

....hmmmm, didn't quite work as smoothly as the first try, I'd better inspect it first...

.....almost got it!

Phew! Did it again! Man, I DO rock!

And again, because hey, this is more fun than going to sleep!

Silly girl!

Here, let Mommy help you...

Mommy helped the Roo, and the Roo was not pleased! Look at how I'm laughing! Man! "And the award for Mom of the Year DOESN'T go to...."! lol

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