We had a dr's appointment today....looks like our little Jelly Bean's quite content in his/her little abode there!
We're only dialated 1 cm!
1 down, 9 to go!
Next appointment: Wednesday, January 2nd. (Not until next year!) Maybe we still can go see Glass Tiger?!
Hmmmmmmmmmaybe not.
Having been prepared to go into labour today, this is how I'm feeling:
Oh well, that just means I have more time for nesting!
Friday, December 28, 2007
The big day is here!
It's hard to believe it, but our due date is here, and no baby yet! We're so close!
I've not posted on this blog as much as I'd have liked to over the last few months, but am very happy that Cat has kept it up. Looking back over all the posts, it's a great record of all that we've been through over the last months!
When I sit back and think about it, I've been really lucky. The last 9 months were nowhere NEAR what I was expecting them to be! I got nothing but warnings about how Cat was going to be so moody that you'd think she'd need psychiatric help. Or that she'd crave mustard and banana sandwiches every night at 3 am. Or that she'd cry at Xerox commercials. Or that I'd have to do EVERYTHING around the house!
Pffft. Compared to what people "prepared" me for, this has been a breeze. Cat has been a perfect wife and mother-to-be! Sure, we've had days where we've wondered how we were going to be able to make it to the finish line (or as I like to call it, the next starting line), but overall, it's been hard not to be positive about everything! She's got such a positive, infectious spirit, and an uncanny ability to just roll with whatever is thrown at her. They say that a husband needs to do everything he can to help his wife get through pregnancy. I'm exceedingly lucky to have a wife that takes the same attitude towards me - she's gotten me through the tough times as well!
So, yeah, delivery is next. And I'm under no illusions that it's going to be a parade down main street. But the last nine months were supposed to be hell too, and we managed to survive that, and have some fun in the process!
I've not posted on this blog as much as I'd have liked to over the last few months, but am very happy that Cat has kept it up. Looking back over all the posts, it's a great record of all that we've been through over the last months!
When I sit back and think about it, I've been really lucky. The last 9 months were nowhere NEAR what I was expecting them to be! I got nothing but warnings about how Cat was going to be so moody that you'd think she'd need psychiatric help. Or that she'd crave mustard and banana sandwiches every night at 3 am. Or that she'd cry at Xerox commercials. Or that I'd have to do EVERYTHING around the house!
Pffft. Compared to what people "prepared" me for, this has been a breeze. Cat has been a perfect wife and mother-to-be! Sure, we've had days where we've wondered how we were going to be able to make it to the finish line (or as I like to call it, the next starting line), but overall, it's been hard not to be positive about everything! She's got such a positive, infectious spirit, and an uncanny ability to just roll with whatever is thrown at her. They say that a husband needs to do everything he can to help his wife get through pregnancy. I'm exceedingly lucky to have a wife that takes the same attitude towards me - she's gotten me through the tough times as well!
So, yeah, delivery is next. And I'm under no illusions that it's going to be a parade down main street. But the last nine months were supposed to be hell too, and we managed to survive that, and have some fun in the process!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
1 day left!
Happy holidays, everyone!
For those of you who don't know, no, Santa did NOT bring us a baby for Christmas (which is great, seeing as how I didn't want to miss out on Mom's homemade perogies for Christmas dinner!).
Baby hasn't yet dropped, we still have loads of "birth quakes" (lots of waves and kicks that make my belly look like I'm strapped to one of those old time ab machines!), my water hasn't broke ("broke"? "broken"?), no real contractions....
I have an appointment tomorrow, when my dr will give me that exam that "sometimes speeds things up", so we'll see what happens!
I still really do want to see Glass Tiger perform on New Year's Eve though! ;)
So, as it turns out, I guess I'm in the 98% of women who don't deliver on their due date (fast forward to TOMORROW when I'm surprisingly in labour!).
Donovan's a fantastic husband, I'm super lucky - he will stay up with me for all hours of the night (he can do this now that he's not working this week!) and just help me nest the crud outta our house! Last night we were up until 2am, vacuuming and dusting and organizing things. He doesn't hesitate and he doesn't complain, he's just so understanding of my craziness and is totally supportive and helpful! I love him to bits!!!
On another note, I miss sleep terribly! Went to bed at 2am, got up at 6am. It's 8:47am right now and I've been roaming around the house for a few hrs - I want Donovan to get his rest in.
I wish I could get my rest in!
1 day to go............
For those of you who don't know, no, Santa did NOT bring us a baby for Christmas (which is great, seeing as how I didn't want to miss out on Mom's homemade perogies for Christmas dinner!).
Baby hasn't yet dropped, we still have loads of "birth quakes" (lots of waves and kicks that make my belly look like I'm strapped to one of those old time ab machines!), my water hasn't broke ("broke"? "broken"?), no real contractions....
I have an appointment tomorrow, when my dr will give me that exam that "sometimes speeds things up", so we'll see what happens!
I still really do want to see Glass Tiger perform on New Year's Eve though! ;)
So, as it turns out, I guess I'm in the 98% of women who don't deliver on their due date (fast forward to TOMORROW when I'm surprisingly in labour!).
Donovan's a fantastic husband, I'm super lucky - he will stay up with me for all hours of the night (he can do this now that he's not working this week!) and just help me nest the crud outta our house! Last night we were up until 2am, vacuuming and dusting and organizing things. He doesn't hesitate and he doesn't complain, he's just so understanding of my craziness and is totally supportive and helpful! I love him to bits!!!
On another note, I miss sleep terribly! Went to bed at 2am, got up at 6am. It's 8:47am right now and I've been roaming around the house for a few hrs - I want Donovan to get his rest in.
I wish I could get my rest in!
1 day to go............
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Baby's heartbeat - 39 weeks!
Cat and I don't have a lot of video of her and the baby over the last 9 months, but we do have enough that we probably should have been posting a long time ago!
Below is a video we took yesterday, at our weekly appointment with our OB/GYN. Just a quick snippet so that everyone can hear the hearbeat! (For excitement's sake, we've also overlaid some video from our ultrasound, done way back in August! Look at that baby jump around!!!)
Below is a video we took yesterday, at our weekly appointment with our OB/GYN. Just a quick snippet so that everyone can hear the hearbeat! (For excitement's sake, we've also overlaid some video from our ultrasound, done way back in August! Look at that baby jump around!!!)
Sharing Duties
I keep reading about how when the baby comes, the husbands need to step up to the plate and do more around the house to help Mom out. Well, Donovan already does his fair share, AND mine lately, since I can't seem to find the energy to even think about doing anything but resting.
So now that Donovan already has that part nailed down, what else can we do together? What other duty can we share to help unburden the other parent?
Would you believe BREASTFEEDING?!! HAHAHA! It's true!!! Check out this link that I found:
COLOMBO: A 38-year-old Sri Lankan man, whose wife had died three months ago, appears to have the ability to breastfeed his two infant daughters, doctors said on Wednesday. The man, from the central town of Walapone, lost his wife during childbirth.
"My eldest daughter refused to be fed with powdered milk liquid in the feeding bottle. I was so moved one evening and to stop her crying I offered my breast. I then realised that I was capable of breastfeeding her," the man admitted.
Dr Kamal Jayasinghe, deputy director of a Sri Lankan government hospital, was quoted as saying it was possible for men to produce milk if the prolactine hormone became hyperactive.
Better pick up an extra tube of nipple cream from the drugstore tonite! HAHAHA!!!
So now that Donovan already has that part nailed down, what else can we do together? What other duty can we share to help unburden the other parent?
Would you believe BREASTFEEDING?!! HAHAHA! It's true!!! Check out this link that I found:

"My eldest daughter refused to be fed with powdered milk liquid in the feeding bottle. I was so moved one evening and to stop her crying I offered my breast. I then realised that I was capable of breastfeeding her," the man admitted.
Dr Kamal Jayasinghe, deputy director of a Sri Lankan government hospital, was quoted as saying it was possible for men to produce milk if the prolactine hormone became hyperactive.
Better pick up an extra tube of nipple cream from the drugstore tonite! HAHAHA!!!
The Right Decision
Yesterday was my dr's app't - the second last one before my due date!
Donovan came along too and videotaped the dr using that li'l doppler system for us to hear the heartbeat!
Everything's great, baby's moving lots, seems healthy, etc etc etc.
So why on earth would the dr ask me if I would like an internal exam? Her reasoning why I might want one is because "sometimes it speeds up the process". Why would I want to do that? I'm not overdue, everything's going well, and besides, I have too much nesting left to do before baby comes! (Counters come tomorrow - baby has to hang in there 'til it's done!)
When she first asked me, I said "Sure, why not". And I meant it. Why not see how things are going?
But then I recalled a conversation I had with a g/f of mine who told me "If they ask to give you an internal exam to speed things up, tell them no! It hurts like hell!"
So I told her to wait until next week's appointment!
I told some friends about this, and they told me it was because of the internal exam that they went into labour! One g/f had the exam on a Thursday, and her baby was born Friday evening! Same deal with another g/f!
WOW.....I just realized......had I agreed to the internal, then the baby could very well have been born TODAY.....on it's Baba's birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Just like she wanted!!!
Oops............sorry Baba Baz, I just can't imagine having a baby now! Good lord, I could have in labour by now!!!!!!!!!!
Looking back, I know I made the right decision. I mean, counters are going in TOMORROW! That would SO help ease my nesting needs!
Donovan came along too and videotaped the dr using that li'l doppler system for us to hear the heartbeat!
Everything's great, baby's moving lots, seems healthy, etc etc etc.
So why on earth would the dr ask me if I would like an internal exam? Her reasoning why I might want one is because "sometimes it speeds up the process". Why would I want to do that? I'm not overdue, everything's going well, and besides, I have too much nesting left to do before baby comes! (Counters come tomorrow - baby has to hang in there 'til it's done!)
When she first asked me, I said "Sure, why not". And I meant it. Why not see how things are going?
But then I recalled a conversation I had with a g/f of mine who told me "If they ask to give you an internal exam to speed things up, tell them no! It hurts like hell!"
So I told her to wait until next week's appointment!
I told some friends about this, and they told me it was because of the internal exam that they went into labour! One g/f had the exam on a Thursday, and her baby was born Friday evening! Same deal with another g/f!
WOW.....I just realized......had I agreed to the internal, then the baby could very well have been born TODAY.....on it's Baba's birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Just like she wanted!!!
Oops............sorry Baba Baz, I just can't imagine having a baby now! Good lord, I could have in labour by now!!!!!!!!!!
Looking back, I know I made the right decision. I mean, counters are going in TOMORROW! That would SO help ease my nesting needs!
Monday, December 17, 2007
I just got off the phone with my mom, who informed me in a giddy tone that the big event is scheduled to happen next week.
I prefer to say 11 days - that sounds a lot farther away than "next week" does!
So much to do, so little time.....but then, can anyone REALLY be truly ready for baby? There's always gonna be SOMETHING that needs to get done....right?
Do I have any reason to be freaking out now?!?!?
On another note.....
I feel like we're living in a home for seniors. My sister informed me the other day that if my water breaks and I'm in bed, then we might as well throw away the mattress, because once amniotic fluid gets in there, there's no getting it out.
So we've plastic'd the bed.....the first of many items of furniture I have a feeling we'll be covering.
Now when we sleep at night, and roll over, all you hear is the crinkle of the plastic, and if you're not careful, you could seriously slide right off the bed!
Last week, I finished washing all the new baby clothes, including those teeny tiny little socks. There were probably 10 pairs of socks in the package I bought from our Grand Forks excursion (because, you know, they don't sell baby socks in Canada!!! lol). Anyhoo, I through them all in the dryer, and when the cycle was up and I went in to collect, I was missing one freakin' sock!
How does that happen?
I thought the sock gremlins only came after adult socks....now I know!
- My fingers are so sore and swollen that I can't even THINK about ATTEMPTING to make a fist. My hands just won't do it.
- Still not one night I can confidently say I've slept through.
- My tailbone feels like it's been shattered into a million pieces.
- My knees feel incredibly weak - I feel like I'm going to tumble over every time I try to stand up!
- I'm feeling lots of knees or feet under my hand when I rub my belly, and I'm really going to miss it!
My bag is kinda sort almost packed....baby's bag is good to go.....the upholstery in the car has been shampooed, so we're ready to put the car seat in it and it's all nice and clean for baby's ride home!
Whoa......next week......is it just me, or has this time completely flown by???
I prefer to say 11 days - that sounds a lot farther away than "next week" does!
So much to do, so little time.....but then, can anyone REALLY be truly ready for baby? There's always gonna be SOMETHING that needs to get done....right?
Do I have any reason to be freaking out now?!?!?
On another note.....
I feel like we're living in a home for seniors. My sister informed me the other day that if my water breaks and I'm in bed, then we might as well throw away the mattress, because once amniotic fluid gets in there, there's no getting it out.
So we've plastic'd the bed.....the first of many items of furniture I have a feeling we'll be covering.
Now when we sleep at night, and roll over, all you hear is the crinkle of the plastic, and if you're not careful, you could seriously slide right off the bed!
Last week, I finished washing all the new baby clothes, including those teeny tiny little socks. There were probably 10 pairs of socks in the package I bought from our Grand Forks excursion (because, you know, they don't sell baby socks in Canada!!! lol). Anyhoo, I through them all in the dryer, and when the cycle was up and I went in to collect, I was missing one freakin' sock!
How does that happen?
I thought the sock gremlins only came after adult socks....now I know!
- My fingers are so sore and swollen that I can't even THINK about ATTEMPTING to make a fist. My hands just won't do it.
- Still not one night I can confidently say I've slept through.
- My tailbone feels like it's been shattered into a million pieces.
- My knees feel incredibly weak - I feel like I'm going to tumble over every time I try to stand up!
- I'm feeling lots of knees or feet under my hand when I rub my belly, and I'm really going to miss it!
My bag is kinda sort almost packed....baby's bag is good to go.....the upholstery in the car has been shampooed, so we're ready to put the car seat in it and it's all nice and clean for baby's ride home!
Whoa......next week......is it just me, or has this time completely flown by???
Friday, December 14, 2007
38 weeks down, 2 to go!!!
Wow, LOADS of Braxton Hicks contractions lately! They just kinda sneak up on me - as in, Donovan and I'll be out somewhere, Christmas shopping or whatever, and I'll just stop and try to catch my breath all of a sudden - my whole belly hardens up and I feel tons of pressure and some pain! And they're pretty frequent, too!
Guess that's what happens now that we're in the final stretch here!
I have to say, I am THE luckiest gal in the history of the world! I have the GREATEST husband of all time! He's super attentive, giving, and selfless - I feel bad sometimes when we're in the store, and in a hurry to get stuff done, but I just physically can't walk any faster than a turtle - Donovan doesn't complain or get upset - instead, he offers to carry my purse or my coat, gives me his arm, and contently keeps pace with me! And if we're at a table, waiting for dinner at a restaurant, or just taking a break from walking, he'll take my hands and just start to rub the constant pins-and-needles feeling outta 'em! How did I get such a great guy?!
And I can already tell he's going to be an AWESOME dad, too! He's very good at rubbing the baby's bum out of my ribcage, when baby perches him/herself up in there and I can't breathe! And he loves to sing, read, talk to and kiss my belly! He's so excited, as am I, as is EVERYONE ELSE, and I can't wait for this baby to come already so we can all meet him/her, and spoil them silly! :)
But baby can wait until after Christmas....too much to do still!!!

Yesterday, we purchased a ring sling. All my girlfriends who have babies SWEAR by these things. Research says, "A large part of confidence is the ability to read baby’s cues successfully. When a baby is held close in a sling, a parent becomes finely attuned to baby’s gestures and facial expressions....Every time a baby is able to let his parent know when he is hungry, bored, or wet without having to cry, his trust in the parent is increased, his learning is enhanced, and a parent’s confidence is reinforced. This cycle of positive interaction enhances the mutual attachment between parent and child, and it makes life more enjoyable for everyone."
Who knows if it's true or not, but I'm willing to give it a shot! Besides, the babies look so cute when they're all curled up inside the sling, right next to momma!
Another app't next week - this past week's app't has me worried - I asked the dr if my baby seems to be growing well, that it's at a healthy size and weight, and she said, "Oh yeah." I told her I put a bet in Donovan's work's baby pool that I'm going to have a 9lb 6oz baby, and she said that's a pretty good guess! She seems to think baby's between 8-9lbs right now! Good lordy!
Guess that's what happens now that we're in the final stretch here!
I have to say, I am THE luckiest gal in the history of the world! I have the GREATEST husband of all time! He's super attentive, giving, and selfless - I feel bad sometimes when we're in the store, and in a hurry to get stuff done, but I just physically can't walk any faster than a turtle - Donovan doesn't complain or get upset - instead, he offers to carry my purse or my coat, gives me his arm, and contently keeps pace with me! And if we're at a table, waiting for dinner at a restaurant, or just taking a break from walking, he'll take my hands and just start to rub the constant pins-and-needles feeling outta 'em! How did I get such a great guy?!
And I can already tell he's going to be an AWESOME dad, too! He's very good at rubbing the baby's bum out of my ribcage, when baby perches him/herself up in there and I can't breathe! And he loves to sing, read, talk to and kiss my belly! He's so excited, as am I, as is EVERYONE ELSE, and I can't wait for this baby to come already so we can all meet him/her, and spoil them silly! :)
But baby can wait until after Christmas....too much to do still!!!

Yesterday, we purchased a ring sling. All my girlfriends who have babies SWEAR by these things. Research says, "A large part of confidence is the ability to read baby’s cues successfully. When a baby is held close in a sling, a parent becomes finely attuned to baby’s gestures and facial expressions....Every time a baby is able to let his parent know when he is hungry, bored, or wet without having to cry, his trust in the parent is increased, his learning is enhanced, and a parent’s confidence is reinforced. This cycle of positive interaction enhances the mutual attachment between parent and child, and it makes life more enjoyable for everyone."
Who knows if it's true or not, but I'm willing to give it a shot! Besides, the babies look so cute when they're all curled up inside the sling, right next to momma!
Another app't next week - this past week's app't has me worried - I asked the dr if my baby seems to be growing well, that it's at a healthy size and weight, and she said, "Oh yeah." I told her I put a bet in Donovan's work's baby pool that I'm going to have a 9lb 6oz baby, and she said that's a pretty good guess! She seems to think baby's between 8-9lbs right now! Good lordy!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Dr's appointment at 36 1/2 wks
Donovan was busy painting the kitchen today, getting it ready for the cabinets to go in tomorrow, so he was unable to attend my dr's app't with me today, but he did give me a list of questions!
First off - CONFIRM THERE IS ONLY ONE BABY IN THERE! We get freaked out sometimes b/c we'll feel a kick in my upper right side and then almost immediately something else happens in my lower left....but that's just all the one baby! Baby's THAT big already where s/he needs to stretch out and take up all the space in my belly. Phew!
Baby's in the head-down position, so that's DEFINITELY the bum we've been feeling poking out against my ribcage. (Not that I had any doubts, but it didn't hurt to ask, JUST to be sure!)
Because of the fibroid in my uterus, it was hard to determine my exact fundal height (a measurement of the size of the uterus), but it seems as though everything is progressing normally and is right on track.
I found out today that I tested positive for Group B Strep , which basically means that as soon as my water breaks, I need to go immediately to the hospital so the nurses can begin administering antibiotics. It doesn't necessarily mean I am infected with anything, but that I'm at least a carrier of GBS, and so as to avoid any complications to our baby during childbirth, I need to be hooked up to meds asap. Apparently it's "common" - one out of every 3 women test positive for this.
I shouldn't be freaking out, but I can't help but be concerned.
Anyhoo, I got to hear the heartbeat again (my favourite part!), and we're at a steady 148! Go baby, go! :)
What a long day! I'd better go put my feet up and rest now!
First off - CONFIRM THERE IS ONLY ONE BABY IN THERE! We get freaked out sometimes b/c we'll feel a kick in my upper right side and then almost immediately something else happens in my lower left....but that's just all the one baby! Baby's THAT big already where s/he needs to stretch out and take up all the space in my belly. Phew!
Baby's in the head-down position, so that's DEFINITELY the bum we've been feeling poking out against my ribcage. (Not that I had any doubts, but it didn't hurt to ask, JUST to be sure!)
Because of the fibroid in my uterus, it was hard to determine my exact fundal height (a measurement of the size of the uterus), but it seems as though everything is progressing normally and is right on track.
I found out today that I tested positive for Group B Strep , which basically means that as soon as my water breaks, I need to go immediately to the hospital so the nurses can begin administering antibiotics. It doesn't necessarily mean I am infected with anything, but that I'm at least a carrier of GBS, and so as to avoid any complications to our baby during childbirth, I need to be hooked up to meds asap. Apparently it's "common" - one out of every 3 women test positive for this.
I shouldn't be freaking out, but I can't help but be concerned.
Anyhoo, I got to hear the heartbeat again (my favourite part!), and we're at a steady 148! Go baby, go! :)
What a long day! I'd better go put my feet up and rest now!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
4 weeks left to enjoy more days like today!
Well, we officially have LESS THAN ONE MONTH to go (assuming this baby will arrive on time!) before we get to meet our little one, so Donovan and I made sure we savoured every ounce of our fun-filled weekend with each other!
From Christmas parties on Friday and Saturday, to Walking With Dinosaurs (at the MTS Centre) today (preceded by lunch at "our" restaurant, E&C), and ending off with a free dinner at Montana's (thanks to the crappy service I received out in Calgary at the Montana's there), Donovan and I enjoyed time with just the two of us, something I would imagine will be hard to come by once baby arrives.
Which is, by the way, in LESS THAN ONE MONTH!!! Did I mention that already?
We discussed how excited we are that we don't know what the gender of our baby is, how cute it is that it sticks it's little bum out of my side all the time, our fears and anxieties about becoming first-time parents, and of course, how yummy the free spinach dip was! :)
It was fun to see everyone last night at Dono's work Christmas party - their reactions to my belly (they hadn't seen me in a couple of months), and how they immediately proclaimed that we're having a girl because of how I'm carrying! I don't understand it myself, I believe everyone's different.....but it's still fun to hear everyone's reasonings behind their guesses.
Funny though - just the other night, I dreamt we had a girl, and Dono dreamt we had a boy. I love this "not-knowing"! The suspense of the surprise is absolutely thrilling!
Wow....less than one month to go..........where has the time gone?! So close to meeting our little one, yet still so much nesting to do! I need more time! (Or Molly Maid!)
From Christmas parties on Friday and Saturday, to Walking With Dinosaurs (at the MTS Centre) today (preceded by lunch at "our" restaurant, E&C), and ending off with a free dinner at Montana's (thanks to the crappy service I received out in Calgary at the Montana's there), Donovan and I enjoyed time with just the two of us, something I would imagine will be hard to come by once baby arrives.
Which is, by the way, in LESS THAN ONE MONTH!!! Did I mention that already?
We discussed how excited we are that we don't know what the gender of our baby is, how cute it is that it sticks it's little bum out of my side all the time, our fears and anxieties about becoming first-time parents, and of course, how yummy the free spinach dip was! :)
It was fun to see everyone last night at Dono's work Christmas party - their reactions to my belly (they hadn't seen me in a couple of months), and how they immediately proclaimed that we're having a girl because of how I'm carrying! I don't understand it myself, I believe everyone's different.....but it's still fun to hear everyone's reasonings behind their guesses.
Funny though - just the other night, I dreamt we had a girl, and Dono dreamt we had a boy. I love this "not-knowing"! The suspense of the surprise is absolutely thrilling!
Wow....less than one month to go..........where has the time gone?! So close to meeting our little one, yet still so much nesting to do! I need more time! (Or Molly Maid!)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Just some housecleaning...
First off, Unc - I heard that Mom told you that indeed that was a picture of my cankles a few posts down....but rest assured, those are NOT MY CANKLES!, although mine aren't that far off!!!
Also, I meant to mention it in the last post....a few of the other symptoms I'm experiencing (and loving!) in my pregnancy journey: the almost-constant pins-and-needles "7-Up feeling" in my fingers and toes, and now my belly button is slowly becoming less cavernous!
I hope it doesn't pop out like a little canoli - my girlfriend Mel's did, and it really just grossed me out!
And speaking of housecleaning - our house is a DISASTER because of the kitchen reno's we've got going on, and they don't plan on being finished until the end of next week (assuming they don't run into any real problems along the way). We're living in a state of mass hysteria (the stove's in the living room, the fridge in the hallway area), and I have a real bad feeling this baby's gonna come early BEFORE the kitchen's done....just cuz that's how my life works!
I'll keep my legs crossed for as long as I can!
As much as I'm feeling clausterphobic in my own home, I'm looking forward to the day when I don't have to wipe chipped-off bits of plaster from the back of the cupboard off my mixing bowls, and I don't have to fight with the drawers to get them opened or closed.
Just keep on cookin' in there, baby! Drop those plans of bustin' out early, cuz it ain't happening!
Also, I meant to mention it in the last post....a few of the other symptoms I'm experiencing (and loving!) in my pregnancy journey: the almost-constant pins-and-needles "7-Up feeling" in my fingers and toes, and now my belly button is slowly becoming less cavernous!
I hope it doesn't pop out like a little canoli - my girlfriend Mel's did, and it really just grossed me out!
And speaking of housecleaning - our house is a DISASTER because of the kitchen reno's we've got going on, and they don't plan on being finished until the end of next week (assuming they don't run into any real problems along the way). We're living in a state of mass hysteria (the stove's in the living room, the fridge in the hallway area), and I have a real bad feeling this baby's gonna come early BEFORE the kitchen's done....just cuz that's how my life works!
I'll keep my legs crossed for as long as I can!
As much as I'm feeling clausterphobic in my own home, I'm looking forward to the day when I don't have to wipe chipped-off bits of plaster from the back of the cupboard off my mixing bowls, and I don't have to fight with the drawers to get them opened or closed.
Just keep on cookin' in there, baby! Drop those plans of bustin' out early, cuz it ain't happening!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
35 weeks!
Well, I'm done! Work, that is....saw the dr on Thursday, and she pretty much signed the papers on the spot to get me off my feet and steer me towards bed rest. (She also told me that she just delivered one of her Christmas babies.... so technically, ours could very well come early, too!)
Oh, my fingers, hands and wrists are SO sore, it hurts to lift a pillow! And those sausage fingers have a hard time bending! I'm still congested, my tailbone and sciatic nerve won't let me forget what pain is!, and the water retention is out of this world!
So, that's it! Now I can spend these last few weeks sleeping (if I remember how to do that - I seem to maybe get 2hrs of sleep every night....I heard that's Mother Nature's way of getting my body ready for the lack of sleep I'll endure with our little jelly bean!), and of course, LOTS of nesting.
Our little baby's bum still perches itself right under my ribcage and pokes out of my side, just waiting for it to be patted! (a habit I hope s/he breaks once they're born!)
What else I'm experiencing now that's really fun....

I told Dono, with all the complaining I do, I'm loving every minute of it and wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! I'm going to miss all the kicks and summersaults and flutters and hiccups, and the little bum that sticks out of my right side!
But at the same time, I just can't wait to hold our little baby!
Now I have to go to a friend's baby shower and get some ideas on things for OUR baby! (Maybe if she gets duplicates of some items, she'll just give 'em to me!)
Maybe not.....!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tonite and my parent's place, I was sitting in the reclining chair, talking with Mom and my sis, rubbing my belly as I do all the time now, and I suddenly became startled and jumped up in the chair!
I felt something new!
It wasn't the bum or the head - oh no! - it was an elbow or a knee!!!! I had never felt this before! My mom rushed over to feel it too, and yup, she agreed, it was definitely NOT a body part I had been so used to feeling for so long! By the time Donovan came into the room, the baby had moved, so he didn't get the chance to feel it, but it's exciting to know that we're at THAT stage already, and hopefully he'll have plenty of chances in the future to feel this new little piece of our baby's anatomy!
I felt something new!
It wasn't the bum or the head - oh no! - it was an elbow or a knee!!!! I had never felt this before! My mom rushed over to feel it too, and yup, she agreed, it was definitely NOT a body part I had been so used to feeling for so long! By the time Donovan came into the room, the baby had moved, so he didn't get the chance to feel it, but it's exciting to know that we're at THAT stage already, and hopefully he'll have plenty of chances in the future to feel this new little piece of our baby's anatomy!
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Meaning 6-8 weeks until delivery.

34 weeks down, 6 weeks to go!

My legs are ginormous solid tree trunks!
(much like the picture dictates, but note - those are NOT MY CANKLES!)
Aside from that, some other fun things I'm experiencing include, but are not limited to:
- constant nasal congestion/stuffiness
- dry throat (which equals the need to drink all day long, which equals the need to pee all night long!)
- achy hands, it feels as though I have arthritis (not that I know what arthritis feels like, but if I could wager a guess, this would be it!)
- sciatic pain. All the time. !!!
- extreme fatigue
- the waddle!
I thought this 3rd trimester was supposed to be the best! HA!
Despite all that, I think I'm pretty lucky, if that's ALL I have to deal with.... plus, it's all worth it, knowing there's gonna be a super adorable baby in just 6 weeks!
Good lord, 6 weeks!!!!! I need to go do some more nesting!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
33 1/2 weeks - baby's getting a tad too cozy in there!
About 6 1/2 weeks to go, and this baby is finding its way around my "trunkal" region quite nicely! In fact, baby's getting a bit too cozy in my torso, if you ask me!
The big thing for the baby now, I've learned, is that the baby likes to go exploring.... and has just recently decided that it wants to try to climb up inside my rib cage!
At least we know we have a curious little jelly bean on our hands!
Baby likes to hang out on the right side of my belly, and Donovan and I find great pleasure in patting the little bum that pokes out from my side!
Tonite was our second-last prenatal class. Sooo glad we're doing it, we've learned so much and we're having fun! It's just too bad that it's 10:30pm now, and I've been up since 3am. A tad tired...I'm going to bed now (which usually means baby's in full-on "let's explore and play" mode!)
The big thing for the baby now, I've learned, is that the baby likes to go exploring.... and has just recently decided that it wants to try to climb up inside my rib cage!
At least we know we have a curious little jelly bean on our hands!
Baby likes to hang out on the right side of my belly, and Donovan and I find great pleasure in patting the little bum that pokes out from my side!
Tonite was our second-last prenatal class. Sooo glad we're doing it, we've learned so much and we're having fun! It's just too bad that it's 10:30pm now, and I've been up since 3am. A tad tired...I'm going to bed now (which usually means baby's in full-on "let's explore and play" mode!)
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Almost ready for baby!
Baba and Didi came over tonite, with the rest of my family, to celebrate my birthday (it's not until Tuesday, but I work until 5:30pm, and then Dono and I have prenatal class right afterwards until 9pm).

And along with them, they brought for the baby one of the items Donovan and I most recently started looking into buying....a bassinet! .... so now we have a place for baby upstairs in our bedroom!
It's BEAUTIFUL! With music and vibration settings, it's sure to be a hit with our little one! And now we're almost completely set for our baby's arrival!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Baba and Didi!!!!!!!

And along with them, they brought for the baby one of the items Donovan and I most recently started looking into buying....a bassinet! .... so now we have a place for baby upstairs in our bedroom!
It's BEAUTIFUL! With music and vibration settings, it's sure to be a hit with our little one! And now we're almost completely set for our baby's arrival!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Baba and Didi!!!!!!!
32 weeks = 8 MONTHS!!! HOLY COW!!!
I know I say this quite a bit, but WOW, time is flying!!!
I'm happy to report that I'm still stretch-mark and hemorrhoid free!!! LOL! Since the loss of my ankles (I now have solid tree trunks for legs, all the way down to my new puffy feet!), I've noticed that I've been retaining heaps of water all over. Well, by "I've noticed", I really mean, "my wedding rings don't fit anymore, no matter how hard I try!" So Donovan, being the sweetheart that he is, bought me a brand new ring to wear for the remainder of my pregnancy, so I don't have old ladies giving me dirty looks from the corners of their eyes anymore!
The $19.99 Superstore special! And it's a GORGEOUS forgery!
Nothing really new to report - work's getting tougher, standing on my feet 8.5hrs a day'll do that to you, and I find when I get home, I'm ready for bed. So I haven't been heaps of fun lately. Really, really tired - leg cramps, shooting pains, and all the other fun stuff that goes along with it....and I'm enjoying every minute of it!!! :)
I'm happy to report that I'm still stretch-mark and hemorrhoid free!!! LOL! Since the loss of my ankles (I now have solid tree trunks for legs, all the way down to my new puffy feet!), I've noticed that I've been retaining heaps of water all over. Well, by "I've noticed", I really mean, "my wedding rings don't fit anymore, no matter how hard I try!" So Donovan, being the sweetheart that he is, bought me a brand new ring to wear for the remainder of my pregnancy, so I don't have old ladies giving me dirty looks from the corners of their eyes anymore!
The $19.99 Superstore special! And it's a GORGEOUS forgery!
Nothing really new to report - work's getting tougher, standing on my feet 8.5hrs a day'll do that to you, and I find when I get home, I'm ready for bed. So I haven't been heaps of fun lately. Really, really tired - leg cramps, shooting pains, and all the other fun stuff that goes along with it....and I'm enjoying every minute of it!!! :)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Like father, like child.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Baby's first (unofficial) Halloween Costume!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
First pre-natal class, down the hatch!
Last night, Donovan and I went to our first pre-natal class. (Technically, it was the 2nd class held, but last week I was on a plane to Calgary for a meeting and had to skip out. On our FIRST class. I hope that doesn't make me a bad mother!!!)
Ok, so last night - we're SO glad we went, it was unlike anything we had expected. The facilitator is great, the people are nice, the info is a tad overwhelming.
The videos.....well, the videos....
After watching the videos, I leaned over to Donovan and told him, in as calm a voice as possible so as not to draw attention to myself or to convey to him the sheer panic that I was sure was swelling up in my throat, that "they" (being the powers that be) needed to find a different way of getting this baby out of me, because there's NO WAY I was going to go through what I witnessed on the screen before me.
Now I've seen videos like this before in Health class back in junior high, and heck, even TLC's The Baby Story can be a bit unnerving, but to know that this is REAL, and that we're 2 months away from THAT being ME on the bed, screaming bloody murder and squeezing an 8lb baby out of an opening the size of a coaster - well, it's just more real now, and I think the fear is starting to set in.
The only thing that got me through those videos was my baby - thank goodness the baby was doing gymnastics in my belly, because watching the entertainment our little Jelly Bean provided certainly took my mind off the pain I'll be going through to bring it into this world!
2 months until I can have a glass of wine...
Scratch that.
2 months until I can have a BOTTLE of wine. Or 2. !!!
Ok, so last night - we're SO glad we went, it was unlike anything we had expected. The facilitator is great, the people are nice, the info is a tad overwhelming.
The videos.....well, the videos....
After watching the videos, I leaned over to Donovan and told him, in as calm a voice as possible so as not to draw attention to myself or to convey to him the sheer panic that I was sure was swelling up in my throat, that "they" (being the powers that be) needed to find a different way of getting this baby out of me, because there's NO WAY I was going to go through what I witnessed on the screen before me.
Now I've seen videos like this before in Health class back in junior high, and heck, even TLC's The Baby Story can be a bit unnerving, but to know that this is REAL, and that we're 2 months away from THAT being ME on the bed, screaming bloody murder and squeezing an 8lb baby out of an opening the size of a coaster - well, it's just more real now, and I think the fear is starting to set in.
The only thing that got me through those videos was my baby - thank goodness the baby was doing gymnastics in my belly, because watching the entertainment our little Jelly Bean provided certainly took my mind off the pain I'll be going through to bring it into this world!
2 months until I can have a glass of wine...
Scratch that.
2 months until I can have a BOTTLE of wine. Or 2. !!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Daddy has reached the third trimester!
Donovan here!
Well, I've officially reached the third trimester of Daddyhood. Symptoms include:
Other signs I've hit the third trimester of daddyhood include:
Well, I've officially reached the third trimester of Daddyhood. Symptoms include:
- Sudden inexplicable ability to identify Braxton Hicks contractions, even though you have no idea what that even means; and
- Marked increase in ability to convince your wife that you know what you are talking about (especially in regards to Braxton Hicks contractions).
Other signs I've hit the third trimester of daddyhood include:
- Increased hormonal production, affecting one's ability to refrain from getting emotional during Wilford Brimley commercials;
- substantial weight gain, especially in the "body" area;
- loss of bed space;
- Ability to sit through an entire episode of Full House; and
- Creating secret caches of candy and comic books, for emergency use after pregnancy.
30 weeks!
Good lord, time is flying by!
Today is the official 30-week mark, and I'm sick (again) with a cold or flu bug or SOMETHING. Nothing that a new haircut and some nice Old Navy faternity clothes can't take care of! Yeah, right! lol
Aside from that, I'm LOVING being pregnant! The baby is hyper almost all day long now, lots of kicking and punching, lots of summersaults, my belly looks as though there's an alien in there trying to break out! It's pretty wild! We managed to get a bit of video footage of this phenomenon a while back, hope to do s'more.
I can't believe that we have 10 weeks to go! Mind you, that's what they SAY is left....I have a few girlfriends who are overdue at this point, so I guess the 40-week mark really doesn't mean anything! Doesn't matter though - I told Baba Baz (what WILL we call you?!) that I'll try to squeeze this baby out on her birthday - Dec 20th! - so that the baby's born on G'ma's birthday, just like Donovan was born on HIS G'pa's birthday! Now THAT would be a trip!
Well, time for bed (for ME, that is....now's the time, when Mommy lies down for the night, that Baby gets REALLY active!).
Today is the official 30-week mark, and I'm sick (again) with a cold or flu bug or SOMETHING. Nothing that a new haircut and some nice Old Navy faternity clothes can't take care of! Yeah, right! lol
Aside from that, I'm LOVING being pregnant! The baby is hyper almost all day long now, lots of kicking and punching, lots of summersaults, my belly looks as though there's an alien in there trying to break out! It's pretty wild! We managed to get a bit of video footage of this phenomenon a while back, hope to do s'more.
I can't believe that we have 10 weeks to go! Mind you, that's what they SAY is left....I have a few girlfriends who are overdue at this point, so I guess the 40-week mark really doesn't mean anything! Doesn't matter though - I told Baba Baz (what WILL we call you?!) that I'll try to squeeze this baby out on her birthday - Dec 20th! - so that the baby's born on G'ma's birthday, just like Donovan was born on HIS G'pa's birthday! Now THAT would be a trip!
Well, time for bed (for ME, that is....now's the time, when Mommy lies down for the night, that Baby gets REALLY active!).
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Nursery pics!
Hi everyone, Donovan here, letting Cat take a break from typing so she can get some well deserved rest! I don't post on this blog as much as I'd like - and today, I'm going to talk about one reason why!
The nursery!
After a couple of weeks of washing down walls, painting, and looking for/buying/assembling furniture, we're done! Well, actually, there's still the matter of the new light fixture, but, if any of you are familiar with the Electrical Incident story, you'll know that I'm going to have to call in some outside help for that!!!
For the last 7 months, Cat has been hard at work creating a miracle in her belly. Sure, putting together a change table is NOWHERE near as complicated (okay, for me it was!), but it's finally given me a bit of a sense that I can contribute something to help get ready for our little bundle of joy!
Well, enough of my yapping! Here's some photos! Enjoy being clean while you can, Mr. Change Table!

You may notice, there's a bit of a cute rabbit/sheep theme going on here. That valence above the window just gets me! Whoah, I know what a valence is? I guess they're right, you learn a lot being a parent.
Ahhh, the crib du grace! It's in this crib where our little one is going to spend his/her nights falling blissfully asleep in peaceful silence, not disturbing anyone. Ha! I have a funny feeling that rug is going to be my new bed, while I pass out from exhaustion, trying to get our tyke to fall asleep! 
The room is really quite cozy and comfy, when you get a nice single lamp going in the middle of the night. And of course, yes, the lamp is covered in sheep and rabbits! We Yaciuk's don't do anything without going all the way!
So there you have it! Slowly but surely, the house taking shape, getting ready to take care of our young family.
Only a few more weeks to go!
The nursery!
After a couple of weeks of washing down walls, painting, and looking for/buying/assembling furniture, we're done! Well, actually, there's still the matter of the new light fixture, but, if any of you are familiar with the Electrical Incident story, you'll know that I'm going to have to call in some outside help for that!!!
For the last 7 months, Cat has been hard at work creating a miracle in her belly. Sure, putting together a change table is NOWHERE near as complicated (okay, for me it was!), but it's finally given me a bit of a sense that I can contribute something to help get ready for our little bundle of joy!
Well, enough of my yapping! Here's some photos! Enjoy being clean while you can, Mr. Change Table!

You may notice, there's a bit of a cute rabbit/sheep theme going on here. That valence above the window just gets me! Whoah, I know what a valence is? I guess they're right, you learn a lot being a parent.

Only a few more weeks to go!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
29 weeks old!
TONS of flutters and kicks, and my belly moves like ocean waves!
In fact, just the other day, Donovan and I were able to feel a little bum (or head) poking through!
Donovan caught some of the motion on video today, it's pretty fun to watch (for US, maybe not so much for EVERYONE ELSE!).
The nursery's aaalmost done now, just a few things missing here and there, but for the most part, we're ready! I have to re-wash all the baby clothes we bought in Grand Forks (turned out I washed them in the wrong type of detergent, so we went out and bought some special stuff specific for baby). It's just finding the time to do it all, then I can fold it all up and put it all away in the dresser.
Well, baby's about 15.5 inches and almost 3lbs!!! Had a dr's app't on Wednesday, and everything's going well! I can't believe it, it's all going by too quickly!
In fact, just the other day, Donovan and I were able to feel a little bum (or head) poking through!
Donovan caught some of the motion on video today, it's pretty fun to watch (for US, maybe not so much for EVERYONE ELSE!).
The nursery's aaalmost done now, just a few things missing here and there, but for the most part, we're ready! I have to re-wash all the baby clothes we bought in Grand Forks (turned out I washed them in the wrong type of detergent, so we went out and bought some special stuff specific for baby). It's just finding the time to do it all, then I can fold it all up and put it all away in the dresser.
Well, baby's about 15.5 inches and almost 3lbs!!! Had a dr's app't on Wednesday, and everything's going well! I can't believe it, it's all going by too quickly!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Coming up to 28 weeks!
This has been a pretty eventful week, and it's not over yet!
A few weeks back, all our nursery stuff came in - and WOW, do we ever love it! The bedding set, curtains/valances, wall coverings and wall paper border, etc. It's a wonderfully adorable theme of sheep, bunnies and chickies. Sooo cute! Not everything has been put into place just yet, but we're ready for the most part in case baby comes early (like Daddy did!).
Baba Baz (we haven't officially decided on a name for her yet!) came into town on Tuesday and felt the baby kick for the first time! The baby wasn't as cooperative as I had hoped, but was still active nonetheless!
And yesterday, I got to experience something new - I was at Mom & Dad's place, sitting at the kitchen table with my hands resting on the top of my belly, chatting with Mom, when I felt a foot!....or an elbow....or SOMETHING! It wasn't the typical kick I'm used to feeling - this now had a definite angle to it - the punch/kick was more defined, SOMETHING poked out of my belly!
VERY cool indeed!
Early yesterday morning, I woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom - usually, when I wake up in the morning, after about 10 minutes, baby's up and kicking around and ready for the day. But for some reason, THAT morning, as soon as I rolled out of bed and waddled downstairs, I felt something that just broke my heart - the baby gave me a couple of soft, slow, sleepy kicks, as if to say, "Mommy, why are you up so early? I'm sooo tired!" It was so sweet and cute and heartbreaking all at the same time! But then again, WHO'S fault is it that I'm up at 4am for a pee? :)
Today, Donovan and I made a day trip to Grand Forks - what with the dollar being as wicked as it is, we decided now's the time to head down and pick up a travel system, some onesies, diapers and wipes, and other baby goods that are much cheaper in the States than here at home. Quite a long and tiring day, but very productive at the same time. Now we're thaaaaaat much closer to being ready for baby's arrival!
Baby has been quite active lately, especially in the evening until late at night - just moving around like s/he owns the place...which, I guess s/he kinda DOES... but it's been so exciting to experience!
Well, it's nearly 10pm, and I'm ready to hit the hay!
I hope everyone's getting as big a kick out of reading our little adventures as I am recording them! Only 85 days until Pop Day!!!!!
A few weeks back, all our nursery stuff came in - and WOW, do we ever love it! The bedding set, curtains/valances, wall coverings and wall paper border, etc. It's a wonderfully adorable theme of sheep, bunnies and chickies. Sooo cute! Not everything has been put into place just yet, but we're ready for the most part in case baby comes early (like Daddy did!).
Baba Baz (we haven't officially decided on a name for her yet!) came into town on Tuesday and felt the baby kick for the first time! The baby wasn't as cooperative as I had hoped, but was still active nonetheless!
And yesterday, I got to experience something new - I was at Mom & Dad's place, sitting at the kitchen table with my hands resting on the top of my belly, chatting with Mom, when I felt a foot!....or an elbow....or SOMETHING! It wasn't the typical kick I'm used to feeling - this now had a definite angle to it - the punch/kick was more defined, SOMETHING poked out of my belly!
VERY cool indeed!
Early yesterday morning, I woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom - usually, when I wake up in the morning, after about 10 minutes, baby's up and kicking around and ready for the day. But for some reason, THAT morning, as soon as I rolled out of bed and waddled downstairs, I felt something that just broke my heart - the baby gave me a couple of soft, slow, sleepy kicks, as if to say, "Mommy, why are you up so early? I'm sooo tired!" It was so sweet and cute and heartbreaking all at the same time! But then again, WHO'S fault is it that I'm up at 4am for a pee? :)
Today, Donovan and I made a day trip to Grand Forks - what with the dollar being as wicked as it is, we decided now's the time to head down and pick up a travel system, some onesies, diapers and wipes, and other baby goods that are much cheaper in the States than here at home. Quite a long and tiring day, but very productive at the same time. Now we're thaaaaaat much closer to being ready for baby's arrival!
Baby has been quite active lately, especially in the evening until late at night - just moving around like s/he owns the place...which, I guess s/he kinda DOES... but it's been so exciting to experience!
Well, it's nearly 10pm, and I'm ready to hit the hay!
I hope everyone's getting as big a kick out of reading our little adventures as I am recording them! Only 85 days until Pop Day!!!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I miss being on holidays, for reasons other than the obvious
Ok, aside from the fact that holidays are a time to just RELAX (not that Donovan and I did much of that, what with getting the house ready for the baby.... will the baby really care that our dining room has been painted a new colour?! Oh well!), I had the chance to at least sit down and put my feet up during the day if and when I needed to.
It was during this time that I could become mesmerized by the hypnotic movements of my belly, as I watched my baby poking and kicking about. I could watch this for HOURS (well, minutes anyway, until it was time to tend to the kitchen fire that broke out on our stove, or something of the sort).
Now that I'm back at work, I don't have the luxury of lying back whenever I want to watch the baby. In fact, I hardly get to feel anything at all, because I'm always on my feet and always on the go!
The only time Donovan and I get to enjoy the little movements of our NOW 2LB BABY!!! is at night, when Mommy's ready to hit the hay after being on her feet for 12hrs straight. THAT'S when the baby wants to poke around and play!
Oh well, I'll take what I can get - and if it means I need to lose a bit of sleep just to enjoy my little hyperactive child, then so be it!
Loverboy says it best, pinpointing my emotions, with their hit "Lovin' Every Minute of It".
Yup, sure do!
It was during this time that I could become mesmerized by the hypnotic movements of my belly, as I watched my baby poking and kicking about. I could watch this for HOURS (well, minutes anyway, until it was time to tend to the kitchen fire that broke out on our stove, or something of the sort).
Now that I'm back at work, I don't have the luxury of lying back whenever I want to watch the baby. In fact, I hardly get to feel anything at all, because I'm always on my feet and always on the go!
The only time Donovan and I get to enjoy the little movements of our NOW 2LB BABY!!! is at night, when Mommy's ready to hit the hay after being on her feet for 12hrs straight. THAT'S when the baby wants to poke around and play!
Oh well, I'll take what I can get - and if it means I need to lose a bit of sleep just to enjoy my little hyperactive child, then so be it!
Loverboy says it best, pinpointing my emotions, with their hit "Lovin' Every Minute of It".
Yup, sure do!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Something new to enjoy!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hyper baby!
Baby Yaciuklet's become VERY active as of yesterday! Last night, Baba and Didi came over, and for the first time, Didi felt a kick!
All day today, my belly has been moving about - the baby seems to be having lots of fun swimming around and kicking his/her way about from one side of my belly to the other! It's such an amazing thing to watch, I can't look away! (makes driving difficult!) HA!
All day today, my belly has been moving about - the baby seems to be having lots of fun swimming around and kicking his/her way about from one side of my belly to the other! It's such an amazing thing to watch, I can't look away! (makes driving difficult!) HA!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Baba felt you kick today!
I went to visit Baba, Didi, Uncle Chris, Auntie Leanne and cousin Alexis this morning, and Baby Yaciuklet became super excited with all this family around!
S/he just started kicking and poking, and Baba finally felt it! Then Auntie Leanne wanted to come over and join in the fun, and she was lucky enough to feel baby's hiccups!
(Cousin Alexis got a kick outta baby's kicks, too!)
Lots of fun, another milestone reached!
S/he just started kicking and poking, and Baba finally felt it! Then Auntie Leanne wanted to come over and join in the fun, and she was lucky enough to feel baby's hiccups!
(Cousin Alexis got a kick outta baby's kicks, too!)
Lots of fun, another milestone reached!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Future Gymnast!
It's Saturday afternoon, and I have heaps of things to do before I'm back at work on Monday, but all I find myself doing is watching my belly!
I can SEE the baby moving around - my belly swooshes from one side to the other, I can see the kicks and punches - it's AMAZING! And hypnotic! I can't take my eyes off my belly! (which is making typing this blog entry out REEEALLY difficult!)
Even Donovan's hooked - he spent a good chunk of time yesterday (and this morning) just staring at my belly with me!
This is one active baby! Sure to keep us on our toes once s/he's born!
I can SEE the baby moving around - my belly swooshes from one side to the other, I can see the kicks and punches - it's AMAZING! And hypnotic! I can't take my eyes off my belly! (which is making typing this blog entry out REEEALLY difficult!)
Even Donovan's hooked - he spent a good chunk of time yesterday (and this morning) just staring at my belly with me!
This is one active baby! Sure to keep us on our toes once s/he's born!
Friday, September 14, 2007
You're 25 weeks old!
Just past the 6 month mark, and you're already so active!
Daddy enjoys reading to you every night - we've already picked up a few books from the Mr. Men series (that both Mommy AND Daddy enjoyed when we were little!), and you certainly do get a kick out of those stories! Literally!
Just a few nights ago, Daddy had his head on my belly, reading to you - and you literally hoofed him in the face!
Again, cute for now, but a habit I hope you break when you're born!
We saw the doctor yesterday, and she told us that you're doing just fine! You're growing well, you're healthy, and aside from a small fibroid in my uterus, you've got a great place to hang out for another couple'ish months before we get to meet you!
Daddy enjoys reading to you every night - we've already picked up a few books from the Mr. Men series (that both Mommy AND Daddy enjoyed when we were little!), and you certainly do get a kick out of those stories! Literally!
Just a few nights ago, Daddy had his head on my belly, reading to you - and you literally hoofed him in the face!
Again, cute for now, but a habit I hope you break when you're born!
We saw the doctor yesterday, and she told us that you're doing just fine! You're growing well, you're healthy, and aside from a small fibroid in my uterus, you've got a great place to hang out for another couple'ish months before we get to meet you!
Friday, August 31, 2007
You gave us quite the scare, little one!
Wednesday, August 29th - 3:30am.
I got up to pee (because, that's all I seem to be doing now!). The day before, I had developed a cold, so I was doing a lot of sneezing and coughing. Anyhoo, since I was up and my nose was stuffy, I decided to attempt to blow my nose - and that's when I felt the pain.
A horrible, stabbing, cramp-like pain, right across my lower abdomen. I couldn't stand up straight. It was pretty sharp.
Had I pulled something? Did I injure the baby somehow?
Donovan wanted to go to the hospital right off the bat, but I didn't want to overreact, so we phoned Health Links - of course, they're not about to take any chances, and strongly recommended we call an ambulance immediately because it sounded as though I required emergency medical attention. No bleeding, just a cramp - I thought the nurse on the phone was over-the-top. I tried to stand up again, and I could this time, but now the pain had moved to my left side. I decided, "This is our baby, I'm NOT taking any chances!"
So we got dressed and took off for the hospital.
The nurse there, in obstetric triage, strapped a belt around my belly and with little Doppler pads, located the heartbeat. A good, strong heartbeat! Phew! And we could even hear the kicks (it was neat to hear what I felt - an amazing sensation!).
After a few tests, I was cleared to go. No definitive reason was offered as to why I was feeling the pain - ligaments stretching, perhaps? Or it might even be related to any scar tissue I may have from my surgery (since my internal damage is on my left, and that's where the pain was now). I was just told to stay off my feet and rest for the next few days.
And that's just what I've been doing.
That, and revelling in the glory of our little Ukrainian dancer kicking and poking about in my belly!
What a scare we had! But everything's ok - I can see now I'm definitely going to be one of THOSE mothers....y'know, the one who, when their child is 16, shows up at their school with a pair of mittens for them to wear in the middle of spring, "Just in case you pick up something hot!"
I can't wait!
I got up to pee (because, that's all I seem to be doing now!). The day before, I had developed a cold, so I was doing a lot of sneezing and coughing. Anyhoo, since I was up and my nose was stuffy, I decided to attempt to blow my nose - and that's when I felt the pain.
A horrible, stabbing, cramp-like pain, right across my lower abdomen. I couldn't stand up straight. It was pretty sharp.
Had I pulled something? Did I injure the baby somehow?
Donovan wanted to go to the hospital right off the bat, but I didn't want to overreact, so we phoned Health Links - of course, they're not about to take any chances, and strongly recommended we call an ambulance immediately because it sounded as though I required emergency medical attention. No bleeding, just a cramp - I thought the nurse on the phone was over-the-top. I tried to stand up again, and I could this time, but now the pain had moved to my left side. I decided, "This is our baby, I'm NOT taking any chances!"
So we got dressed and took off for the hospital.
The nurse there, in obstetric triage, strapped a belt around my belly and with little Doppler pads, located the heartbeat. A good, strong heartbeat! Phew! And we could even hear the kicks (it was neat to hear what I felt - an amazing sensation!).
After a few tests, I was cleared to go. No definitive reason was offered as to why I was feeling the pain - ligaments stretching, perhaps? Or it might even be related to any scar tissue I may have from my surgery (since my internal damage is on my left, and that's where the pain was now). I was just told to stay off my feet and rest for the next few days.
And that's just what I've been doing.
That, and revelling in the glory of our little Ukrainian dancer kicking and poking about in my belly!
What a scare we had! But everything's ok - I can see now I'm definitely going to be one of THOSE mothers....y'know, the one who, when their child is 16, shows up at their school with a pair of mittens for them to wear in the middle of spring, "Just in case you pick up something hot!"
I can't wait!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Saturday was an eventul milestone anniversary!
Three days ago, Friday night, was an eventful affair - Daddy Donovan could actually finally feel what I'd been feeling for a week or more now.
Donovan felt the baby kicking!
What an amazing feeling for all three of us!
Two days ago, this past Saturday, marked a milestone in Baby Yaciuk's development - not only did s/he OFFICIALLY turn 5 1/2 months (22 weeks!), but that was the day that Daddy Donovan and I could ACTUALLY SEE THE BABY POKING THROUGH!
My hand was on my belly, and you could literally see my fingers and hand being pushed up by the little one inside! Now THAT was cool!
Keep on poppin' around in there, my little Ukrainian dancer!
Donovan felt the baby kicking!
What an amazing feeling for all three of us!
Two days ago, this past Saturday, marked a milestone in Baby Yaciuk's development - not only did s/he OFFICIALLY turn 5 1/2 months (22 weeks!), but that was the day that Daddy Donovan and I could ACTUALLY SEE THE BABY POKING THROUGH!
My hand was on my belly, and you could literally see my fingers and hand being pushed up by the little one inside! Now THAT was cool!
Keep on poppin' around in there, my little Ukrainian dancer!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Backin' up the pickle truck....I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! I FELT YOU MOVE!!!
I'm a tad behind with this, I apologize - so much to do, so little time!
But I don't want to lose these memories, or the days on which they happened, so here I go....
Not just a slight little flutter, a definite poke!
I was at work, at the gate, waiting for my aircraft to push back from the bridge, and the boarding lounge was empty, so my girlfriend and I sat down and just chatted about everything.
One of the topics - "So, have you felt the baby move yet?"
"Well, kinda," I said, as I proceeded to tell her about the little flutter I had felt over a month ago, but nothing since.
And literally, 2 minutes later, THERE IT WAS!!!
Poke poke poke!
The baby was poking me! And not just once, REPEATEDLY, as if to say, "Sorry I've been so lazy lately, but here I am!"
Since then, it's a regular occurance! (Even now as I type, the baby's just kicking and punching me....a habit I hope it breaks before it leaves the womb!)
Donovan is SO excited about it, he just beams everytime I smile and point to where I feel the baby - and as soon as he puts his hand on my belly, the poking stops! I think the baby's just having fun with Daddy now, and I know, before long, Donovan'll be feeling the baby kicking him through my belly!
What an amazing sensation! A little Ukrainian dancer indeed! My baby sure does have some happy feet!
(I've since asked my girlfriend to start talking to me about winning the lottery... if she can trigger my baby moving around, who knows, maybe we can pick some lucky numbers?!)
But I don't want to lose these memories, or the days on which they happened, so here I go....
Not just a slight little flutter, a definite poke!
I was at work, at the gate, waiting for my aircraft to push back from the bridge, and the boarding lounge was empty, so my girlfriend and I sat down and just chatted about everything.
One of the topics - "So, have you felt the baby move yet?"
"Well, kinda," I said, as I proceeded to tell her about the little flutter I had felt over a month ago, but nothing since.
And literally, 2 minutes later, THERE IT WAS!!!
Poke poke poke!
The baby was poking me! And not just once, REPEATEDLY, as if to say, "Sorry I've been so lazy lately, but here I am!"
Since then, it's a regular occurance! (Even now as I type, the baby's just kicking and punching me....a habit I hope it breaks before it leaves the womb!)
Donovan is SO excited about it, he just beams everytime I smile and point to where I feel the baby - and as soon as he puts his hand on my belly, the poking stops! I think the baby's just having fun with Daddy now, and I know, before long, Donovan'll be feeling the baby kicking him through my belly!
What an amazing sensation! A little Ukrainian dancer indeed! My baby sure does have some happy feet!
(I've since asked my girlfriend to start talking to me about winning the lottery... if she can trigger my baby moving around, who knows, maybe we can pick some lucky numbers?!)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Our ultrasound!
So I'm posting almost 2 weeks late, but the ultrasound was a memory I'll never forget - it still feels like yesterday!
August 9th - Donovan and I arrived at 9:30'ish (the appointment was at 10). I had been drinking my water as prescribed. After returning the paperwork I had filled out to the reception desk, the lady there told me my appointment was at 10:30.
"Not at 10?" I asked. She confirmed - 10:30.
I asked her, then, since I had an hour to go, would it be alright if I had a quick pee, since I could start my drinking (of water!) again at 10 (since it needs to be done 1/2 prior to the appointment). The receptionist said it was fine.
So, I went for a little pee.
When I came out of the bathroom and sat down, literally a few seconds later, the ultrasound technician called my name.
"But I just had a little pee!" I told her, after explaining what the receptionist told me about my new appoinment time.
"That's ok," the tech said, and proceeded with the ultrasound. I was super excited for the first little bit! I mean, here's my baby! ...... I think..... here's SOMETHING, anyways! I couldn't make anything out! Yet the u/s tech is taking measurements and entering in data. I couldn't make sense out of what I was seeing - needless to say, the excitement, I hate to admit, started waning a bit.
And then....there they were....
Two of the world's most perfect little feet, up there on the screen, dancing and kicking about, for me to see!

I just lost it on the table, I wished my eyes wouldn't tear up as much as they were, because they were obstructing my view of my little baby's wonderful little dancing feet!
The u/s tech told me to go fill my bladder and she would see me again in 20 minutes.
As I wandered back to the waiting room, where Donovan was sitting patiently for me (he had to wait out there until the u/s tech was finished taking the measurements and stuff, and then he was to come in for the question/answer period at the end), I proceeded to tell him about our little Ukrainian dancer and the happy feet it has! I chugged back my 1L of water, and soon I was called back into the room.
Now everything seemed clearer! (My full bladder was able to push the baby up closer to the top of my belly, so the images were making a bit more sense to me!)
I SWEAR my baby waved at me (or flipped me the bird, in which case I was thinking, "Yup, THAT'S my baby!") lol
The u/s tech asked, "What's your husband's name?" as she was getting up from her place at the computer to call him in.
Donovan and I both thought he would just be seeing the snaps of the images she took, but as it turned out, he was privy to the live action video of our baby!
I'll let HIM tell you what he thought of it all!
We of course ordered a disc of pictures, and they were ready for pick up last Friday (just in time for "Baba Baz" to pull into town and partake in the glory of her first grandchild!
Here is my favourite:
August 9th - Donovan and I arrived at 9:30'ish (the appointment was at 10). I had been drinking my water as prescribed. After returning the paperwork I had filled out to the reception desk, the lady there told me my appointment was at 10:30.
"Not at 10?" I asked. She confirmed - 10:30.
I asked her, then, since I had an hour to go, would it be alright if I had a quick pee, since I could start my drinking (of water!) again at 10 (since it needs to be done 1/2 prior to the appointment). The receptionist said it was fine.
So, I went for a little pee.
When I came out of the bathroom and sat down, literally a few seconds later, the ultrasound technician called my name.
"But I just had a little pee!" I told her, after explaining what the receptionist told me about my new appoinment time.
"That's ok," the tech said, and proceeded with the ultrasound. I was super excited for the first little bit! I mean, here's my baby! ...... I think..... here's SOMETHING, anyways! I couldn't make anything out! Yet the u/s tech is taking measurements and entering in data. I couldn't make sense out of what I was seeing - needless to say, the excitement, I hate to admit, started waning a bit.
And then....there they were....
Two of the world's most perfect little feet, up there on the screen, dancing and kicking about, for me to see!

I just lost it on the table, I wished my eyes wouldn't tear up as much as they were, because they were obstructing my view of my little baby's wonderful little dancing feet!
The u/s tech told me to go fill my bladder and she would see me again in 20 minutes.
As I wandered back to the waiting room, where Donovan was sitting patiently for me (he had to wait out there until the u/s tech was finished taking the measurements and stuff, and then he was to come in for the question/answer period at the end), I proceeded to tell him about our little Ukrainian dancer and the happy feet it has! I chugged back my 1L of water, and soon I was called back into the room.
Now everything seemed clearer! (My full bladder was able to push the baby up closer to the top of my belly, so the images were making a bit more sense to me!)
I SWEAR my baby waved at me (or flipped me the bird, in which case I was thinking, "Yup, THAT'S my baby!") lol
The u/s tech asked, "What's your husband's name?" as she was getting up from her place at the computer to call him in.
Donovan and I both thought he would just be seeing the snaps of the images she took, but as it turned out, he was privy to the live action video of our baby!
I'll let HIM tell you what he thought of it all!
We of course ordered a disc of pictures, and they were ready for pick up last Friday (just in time for "Baba Baz" to pull into town and partake in the glory of her first grandchild!
Here is my favourite:

A side profile of our little Ukrainian dancer, sucking it's thumb!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
ROCKabye Baby!
It's unanimous. EVERY single person we know who is a parent has warned us.... the music will drive you CRAZY! We're going to have the lyrics to every lullaby and nursery rhyme and alphabet song memorized forward and backwards. (Okay, I've got the alphabet down pat, but I'm still a bit foggy on some of the other songs!)
I somewhat selfishly resolved to try to find some great (age appropriate) rock songs to teach our kids, so that I can still listen to music that doesn't drive me nuts!
Cat and I are both in love with the band U2 - it was one of the first things we found out we had in common back in our short courting phase (that and the movie "The Neverending Story", but let's keep that a secret, okay?) If you're familiar with the music of U2, well, let's just say it's tough to find a song in their socially conscious, politically charged catalog whose lyrics would be appropriate to teach a two year old.
Sunday Bloody Sunday?
Not on your bloody life!
Well, imagine my surprise when I stumbled across the following album on iTunes:
I found an album containing a bunch of U2 songs re-imagined as soft instrumental lullabies! Now, when I'm trying to put our crying infant to sleep, I'll at least I'll be able to give myself a bit of solace as well, humming some of my favourite songs!
Heck, I may even just go and poke our sleeping baby, just to be able to hear the songs again while I try to get him or her back to sleep! ;)
Now, I just have to find some good songs to sing to our baby while he or she is awake! Good thing there's not a lot of words to memorize in "Fish Heads"!
PS: Today marks the official halfway point of the pregnancy!
I somewhat selfishly resolved to try to find some great (age appropriate) rock songs to teach our kids, so that I can still listen to music that doesn't drive me nuts!

Sunday Bloody Sunday?
Not on your bloody life!
Well, imagine my surprise when I stumbled across the following album on iTunes:

Heck, I may even just go and poke our sleeping baby, just to be able to hear the songs again while I try to get him or her back to sleep! ;)
Now, I just have to find some good songs to sing to our baby while he or she is awake! Good thing there's not a lot of words to memorize in "Fish Heads"!
PS: Today marks the official halfway point of the pregnancy!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
19 1/2 wks....you're still here, thank god!
Dear Baby Yaciuk:
Ever since Doris loaned me that baby doppler device, I've been using it every other day with the hopes of hearing a little pitter of a heartbeat. But I never could. Then I started to worry...what if something's wrong? What if you're not ok, and I have no way of knowing?
Today, we had our second prenatal appointment with the dr, and she put my fears to rest - we heard your little heart beating away at 140! Not too high, not too low - juuuust right! The dr wasn't as rushed today, so we had more time to enjoy the little thumps. I was so happy to hear you!
I was sent down to the second floor to get some bloodwork done - the triple screen test - to make sure you're healthy. The nurse took 4 vials of blood! It leaves a not-so-pretty bruise on my arm, but it's all worth it.
And tomorrow, well, tomorrow is another exciting day - we're going to get our first glimpse of you!
Tomorrow is our first ultrasound appointment!
Both Daddy and I are sooooo excited!
Although we won't find out if you're a boy or a girl yet, I just want to hear the technician tell me that everything looks good, and that you're growing well and strong and healthy.
"See" you tomorrow!
Ever since Doris loaned me that baby doppler device, I've been using it every other day with the hopes of hearing a little pitter of a heartbeat. But I never could. Then I started to worry...what if something's wrong? What if you're not ok, and I have no way of knowing?
Today, we had our second prenatal appointment with the dr, and she put my fears to rest - we heard your little heart beating away at 140! Not too high, not too low - juuuust right! The dr wasn't as rushed today, so we had more time to enjoy the little thumps. I was so happy to hear you!
I was sent down to the second floor to get some bloodwork done - the triple screen test - to make sure you're healthy. The nurse took 4 vials of blood! It leaves a not-so-pretty bruise on my arm, but it's all worth it.
And tomorrow, well, tomorrow is another exciting day - we're going to get our first glimpse of you!
Tomorrow is our first ultrasound appointment!
Both Daddy and I are sooooo excited!
Although we won't find out if you're a boy or a girl yet, I just want to hear the technician tell me that everything looks good, and that you're growing well and strong and healthy.
"See" you tomorrow!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
19 weeks!
According to a few pregnancy websites I visit, our baby is now 1o inches long!
A girl at work, one of the security carni's whom I tend to avoid, approached me and asked if she could touch my belly. "Sure, why not," I said. She gave it a good feel for a few long seconds, and then told me with a great degree of certainty that it's going to be a girl!
She said she's been right with every single one of her friends/family/co-workers who was pregnant, that it's "a gift", that she's intuitive like that.
Another girl that I work with said the same thing (about having "the gift") - and yet SHE told me we're having a boy.
Interesting.......! I guess we'll have to wait and see!
Still nothing with the baby doppler. I had to miss my second prenatal app't on Aug 1st b/c I couldn't get out of work. They're supposed to have rescheduled it and called me back by now with the new date and time, b/c I need a few day's notice to try to switch around my shifts.
Sometimes shift work is a bitch.
I wish I could have made that appointment, it would be nice to hear the heartbeat again!
A girl at work, one of the security carni's whom I tend to avoid, approached me and asked if she could touch my belly. "Sure, why not," I said. She gave it a good feel for a few long seconds, and then told me with a great degree of certainty that it's going to be a girl!
She said she's been right with every single one of her friends/family/co-workers who was pregnant, that it's "a gift", that she's intuitive like that.
Another girl that I work with said the same thing (about having "the gift") - and yet SHE told me we're having a boy.
Interesting.......! I guess we'll have to wait and see!
Still nothing with the baby doppler. I had to miss my second prenatal app't on Aug 1st b/c I couldn't get out of work. They're supposed to have rescheduled it and called me back by now with the new date and time, b/c I need a few day's notice to try to switch around my shifts.
Sometimes shift work is a bitch.
I wish I could have made that appointment, it would be nice to hear the heartbeat again!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Baby Doppler

Pretty cool! I was so excited to try it out!
Only the directions state it's too soon for me to hear anything!
I won't hear a heartbeat, it says, until later in the second trimester. We're halfway through trimester 2 (already??!!), and since I already felt my little 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sub move, I thought our baby is some sort of Super Baby, and OF COURSE I could hear the heartbeat!
Mmmm, nope!
I keep trying though. Every other night, Donovan and I give 'er a whirl, and see if we can hear anything yet. I did put the device to Donovan's abdomen and we both enjoyed listening to the sounds of his digestive system! And for fun, I put it on his head - and hear a bizarre "wooshing" sound!
Can't wait to post the day we hear the heartbeat on our own, without our dr's assistance!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
You're grounded! You're gonna stay in my uterus for 5 more months until you learn your lesson!
Ok, I said, we'll go elsewhere.
Next stop: Safeway. I was SURE they had some there!
Fast forward to the deli counter at Safeway: "Ummm, all our salads are here."
Me: "Yes, but is the ambrosia salad hiding somewhere else?"
Deli counter lady: "Ummm, here are all our salads."
Me: "Oh, so there's nowhere else it could be?"
Deli counter lady: "Ummmm, I'm new here. If you don't see it here, I don't think we have any."
Fine.Next stop: Sobey's. On the way to store #3, Donovan and I were joking around that if he wasn't so patient with me, this could lead to our demise! "Look what the baby's doing to us!" we joked. "You're grounded, Baby! You're gonna stay in Mommy's uterus for 5 months until you learn your lesson!"
So back to the search: negative on the ambrosia salad at Sobey's."
Donovan," I told my very patient and loving husband, "the last time I bought ambrosia salad (5 yrs ago!), it was at the Safeway by my parent's house! Let's go there!"
25 minutes later....at the deli counter....negative on the ambrosia.
It was time to throw in the towel, which was fine, because by this time, my craving had worn off!
We got in the car, turned on the ignition, and the most perfect song was playing on the radio, no other tune could complement our experiences better: U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.
Ahhh, I love being pregnant! It's so much fun!
Yesterday was an AWESOME day!At around 8:30pm, I decided I had a craving for ambrosia salad. No, wait - the BABY decided s/he had a craving for ambrosia salad.

(Donovan had NO idea what ambrosia salad is...so instead of me just sending him out to get some, I decided I should go, too!)
So we went to Superstore, made a bee-line for the deli counter. I tried to explain to Donovan what ambrosia salad is, but he still kept wanting to look in the produce section, with the other bagged salads. How cute. !!!
I looked around.....potato salad, macaroni salad...no ambrosia."Excuse me," I politely said to the deli counter lady, "but would you happen to know where I can find the ambrosia salad?"
She gave me this look, like "What? You didn't know?!" Recognizing that I didn't understand her facial expression, she began to explain to me that they discontinued their ambrosia salad, b/c it wasn't a "big seller". Not a big seller? Who DOESN'T want marshmallow and coconutty goodness on a whim?
So we went to Superstore, made a bee-line for the deli counter. I tried to explain to Donovan what ambrosia salad is, but he still kept wanting to look in the produce section, with the other bagged salads. How cute. !!!
I looked around.....potato salad, macaroni salad...no ambrosia."Excuse me," I politely said to the deli counter lady, "but would you happen to know where I can find the ambrosia salad?"
She gave me this look, like "What? You didn't know?!" Recognizing that I didn't understand her facial expression, she began to explain to me that they discontinued their ambrosia salad, b/c it wasn't a "big seller". Not a big seller? Who DOESN'T want marshmallow and coconutty goodness on a whim?
Ok, I said, we'll go elsewhere.
Next stop: Safeway. I was SURE they had some there!
Fast forward to the deli counter at Safeway: "Ummm, all our salads are here."
Me: "Yes, but is the ambrosia salad hiding somewhere else?"
Deli counter lady: "Ummm, here are all our salads."
Me: "Oh, so there's nowhere else it could be?"
Deli counter lady: "Ummmm, I'm new here. If you don't see it here, I don't think we have any."
Fine.Next stop: Sobey's. On the way to store #3, Donovan and I were joking around that if he wasn't so patient with me, this could lead to our demise! "Look what the baby's doing to us!" we joked. "You're grounded, Baby! You're gonna stay in Mommy's uterus for 5 months until you learn your lesson!"
So back to the search: negative on the ambrosia salad at Sobey's."
Donovan," I told my very patient and loving husband, "the last time I bought ambrosia salad (5 yrs ago!), it was at the Safeway by my parent's house! Let's go there!"
25 minutes later....at the deli counter....negative on the ambrosia.
It was time to throw in the towel, which was fine, because by this time, my craving had worn off!
We got in the car, turned on the ignition, and the most perfect song was playing on the radio, no other tune could complement our experiences better: U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.
Ahhh, I love being pregnant! It's so much fun!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
17 weeks - the baby can hear us!
I read on one of the many pregnancy sites I subscribe to that our baby can now hear outside noises!
We're gonna ensure our baby is cool by steering clear of Barney music, and only playing tasteful songs - music WE grew up on - such as Cheap Trick and Glass Tiger.

We're gonna have one cool kid!
Baby's just over 6 inches long - we've got the equivalent of half a footlong sub!
I'm pleased to report that our lil' Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki is doing just fine!
We're gonna ensure our baby is cool by steering clear of Barney music, and only playing tasteful songs - music WE grew up on - such as Cheap Trick and Glass Tiger.

We're gonna have one cool kid!
Baby's just over 6 inches long - we've got the equivalent of half a footlong sub!
I'm pleased to report that our lil' Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki is doing just fine!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A blog with a purpose - introducing our journey to the arrival of Baby Yaciuk! - 16 WEEKS
After years of trying to conceive, and heaps of money wasted on internet scams to increase fertility, (and energy blown on mentally blaming Donovan - there HAD to be something wrong with HIM, because there's NOTHING wrong with me!); after having a 35lb cyst in my abdomen discovered and removed in Sept 2006, and after having been told I have permanent damage on my left fallopian tube, and thinking I would need to depend solely on fertility drugs to help us produce the baby we've been waiting a long time for, here I sit, July 17, 2007, 16 1/2 wks pregnant!
16 1/2 weeks pregnant!
On April 30th, I had the day off of work, and was bored. "I haven't had my period yet," I thought, without thinking I actually was pregnant. I mean, how many times in the past had I been SURE I was pregnant, and took the test, only to have a negative result? And then I'd go out and blow another $20 on another test to take, convinced the first one was wrong....only to see another negative result, and I'd go out and drop even MORE money. THAT'S how sure I was.
It was a vicious cycle, every month, for a long time.
So this time, I didn't think I could actually BE pregnant. I mean, aside from a bit of fatigue, I didn't really FEEL any different.
"Ah, what the heck", I thought, "I'll cave and buy the darn test."
Almost instantaneously after peeing on the stick, the little pink cross appeared.
I waited an hour, took the second test. Same result!
I called the doctor, made an appointment for the next day, and then Donovan called. He asked if he could take me out for dinner that night. How sweet!
And the place he wanted to take me - Elephant & Castle - the first restaurant we ever went to together, where we first "hooked up". We hadn't been there in YEARS, so for him to suggest we go there blew my mind! Subconciously, he must have had a sneaking suspicion his life was about to change, and he wanted to be in the same place he was when our lives first intertwined. What better place to announce the new path our lives were going to take together than that?!
I wrapped the test in tissue paper, filled out the card that I had sitting in my drawer for over a year (that I purchased specifically for this moment), and met him at the restaurant. I told him that I had some bad news for him, hence the gift bag (to "soften the blow"). That confused him, just like I had planned! He started to read the card...thinking I set fire to all his Ottawa Senators gear or did something horrible, I told him to stop reading the card right before he got to the part about us being pregnant....I told him to look in the gift bag.
"A measuring spoon?" he asked curiously, seeing only half the test poking through. And as the test fell from the tissue paper, he asked "A thermometer?" He'd never seen a pregnancy test before, so he didn't know what he was looking at!
"Finish reading the card," I told him. He did. His eyes got big. He looked up at me - "Is this a joke? This isn't funny, don't joke about this!" he said. This was the one thing that was sacred, we'd been trying too hard for too long, had gone through too many obstacles to make a mockery of our efforts. He was in shock.
"This isn't a joke, Daddy!" I said - the "bad news" was that we couldn't wrestle around and play as rough as we did before!
His eyes welled up with tears, and he jumped up from the other side of the booth, pretty much scooped me up too, and there we were, in the middle of the E&C, hugging, crying, and laughing.
It's a moment I'll never forget.
That was at 5 1/2 wks. And now I'm 16 wks pregnant.
This journey is going too quickly!
We heard the heartbeat 2 weeks ago. That pretty much sealed the deal for me - all I was going on was pee on a stick, and cleavage the size of Texas! I needed confirmation that I had a baby growing inside, and there was the heartbeat.
Another moment I'll never forget.
And the third great adventure so far with Baby Yaciuk - last week, for the second time, I've felt our baby move.
Just a flutter, a few little bubbles of a carbonated beverage - caught me off guard! First time I felt a flutter was at 3 months. "That's too soon, it must've been gas," they told me. But my mom knew it was more than that when I told her. "That was your baby," she said, as her eyes filled up with tears.
And it was my baby! And I felt my baby move again just last week! A little Ukrainian dancer, we have!
17 weeks is coming up this Saturday. I can't wait to see what else Baby Yaciuk has in store for us!
This time is moving far too quickly, but I'm pleased to report, I'm enjoying every moment of it. I love taking care of my baby, and I can't wait to meet him!
16 1/2 weeks pregnant!
On April 30th, I had the day off of work, and was bored. "I haven't had my period yet," I thought, without thinking I actually was pregnant. I mean, how many times in the past had I been SURE I was pregnant, and took the test, only to have a negative result? And then I'd go out and blow another $20 on another test to take, convinced the first one was wrong....only to see another negative result, and I'd go out and drop even MORE money. THAT'S how sure I was.
It was a vicious cycle, every month, for a long time.
So this time, I didn't think I could actually BE pregnant. I mean, aside from a bit of fatigue, I didn't really FEEL any different.
"Ah, what the heck", I thought, "I'll cave and buy the darn test."
Almost instantaneously after peeing on the stick, the little pink cross appeared.
I waited an hour, took the second test. Same result!
I called the doctor, made an appointment for the next day, and then Donovan called. He asked if he could take me out for dinner that night. How sweet!
And the place he wanted to take me - Elephant & Castle - the first restaurant we ever went to together, where we first "hooked up". We hadn't been there in YEARS, so for him to suggest we go there blew my mind! Subconciously, he must have had a sneaking suspicion his life was about to change, and he wanted to be in the same place he was when our lives first intertwined. What better place to announce the new path our lives were going to take together than that?!
I wrapped the test in tissue paper, filled out the card that I had sitting in my drawer for over a year (that I purchased specifically for this moment), and met him at the restaurant. I told him that I had some bad news for him, hence the gift bag (to "soften the blow"). That confused him, just like I had planned! He started to read the card...thinking I set fire to all his Ottawa Senators gear or did something horrible, I told him to stop reading the card right before he got to the part about us being pregnant....I told him to look in the gift bag.
"A measuring spoon?" he asked curiously, seeing only half the test poking through. And as the test fell from the tissue paper, he asked "A thermometer?" He'd never seen a pregnancy test before, so he didn't know what he was looking at!
"Finish reading the card," I told him. He did. His eyes got big. He looked up at me - "Is this a joke? This isn't funny, don't joke about this!" he said. This was the one thing that was sacred, we'd been trying too hard for too long, had gone through too many obstacles to make a mockery of our efforts. He was in shock.
"This isn't a joke, Daddy!" I said - the "bad news" was that we couldn't wrestle around and play as rough as we did before!
His eyes welled up with tears, and he jumped up from the other side of the booth, pretty much scooped me up too, and there we were, in the middle of the E&C, hugging, crying, and laughing.
It's a moment I'll never forget.
That was at 5 1/2 wks. And now I'm 16 wks pregnant.
This journey is going too quickly!
We heard the heartbeat 2 weeks ago. That pretty much sealed the deal for me - all I was going on was pee on a stick, and cleavage the size of Texas! I needed confirmation that I had a baby growing inside, and there was the heartbeat.
Another moment I'll never forget.
And the third great adventure so far with Baby Yaciuk - last week, for the second time, I've felt our baby move.
Just a flutter, a few little bubbles of a carbonated beverage - caught me off guard! First time I felt a flutter was at 3 months. "That's too soon, it must've been gas," they told me. But my mom knew it was more than that when I told her. "That was your baby," she said, as her eyes filled up with tears.
And it was my baby! And I felt my baby move again just last week! A little Ukrainian dancer, we have!
17 weeks is coming up this Saturday. I can't wait to see what else Baby Yaciuk has in store for us!
This time is moving far too quickly, but I'm pleased to report, I'm enjoying every moment of it. I love taking care of my baby, and I can't wait to meet him!
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