Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ok, come on already!!!

Had another dr's appointment yesterday, got another one of those fun* internal exams (*disclaimer: ain't NOTHING fun about those things!), and the dr told me that we haven't really dialated at all! Now I'm JUUUUST over 1cm!


So we're going for a fetal assessment tomorrow to make sure the amniotic fluid levels are still ok, that baby's still having a ball in that ol' uterus of mine, and then I'll be scheduled for induction within the next few days - that is, if I don't pop on my own first.

(As Didi so eloquently put it, "If I don't produce, they must induce!") HAHA!

So essentially, by this time next week, if all goes well, Donovan and I will be home with Baby Yaciuk!!!! :)

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

1 comment:

Dennis & Jodi said...

I will be thinking of you today! Good luck with the fetal assessment (That sounds silly but it didnt sound much better saying "have fun" lol)