Wednesday, August 8, 2007

19 1/2're still here, thank god!

Dear Baby Yaciuk:

Ever since Doris loaned me that baby doppler device, I've been using it every other day with the hopes of hearing a little pitter of a heartbeat. But I never could. Then I started to worry...what if something's wrong? What if you're not ok, and I have no way of knowing?

Today, we had our second prenatal appointment with the dr, and she put my fears to rest - we heard your little heart beating away at 140! Not too high, not too low - juuuust right! The dr wasn't as rushed today, so we had more time to enjoy the little thumps. I was so happy to hear you!

I was sent down to the second floor to get some bloodwork done - the triple screen test - to make sure you're healthy. The nurse took 4 vials of blood! It leaves a not-so-pretty bruise on my arm, but it's all worth it.

And tomorrow, well, tomorrow is another exciting day - we're going to get our first glimpse of you!

Tomorrow is our first ultrasound appointment!

Both Daddy and I are sooooo excited!

Although we won't find out if you're a boy or a girl yet, I just want to hear the technician tell me that everything looks good, and that you're growing well and strong and healthy.

"See" you tomorrow!


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