Saturday, October 13, 2007

29 weeks old!

TONS of flutters and kicks, and my belly moves like ocean waves!

In fact, just the other day, Donovan and I were able to feel a little bum (or head) poking through!

Donovan caught some of the motion on video today, it's pretty fun to watch (for US, maybe not so much for EVERYONE ELSE!).

The nursery's aaalmost done now, just a few things missing here and there, but for the most part, we're ready! I have to re-wash all the baby clothes we bought in Grand Forks (turned out I washed them in the wrong type of detergent, so we went out and bought some special stuff specific for baby). It's just finding the time to do it all, then I can fold it all up and put it all away in the dresser.

Well, baby's about 15.5 inches and almost 3lbs!!! Had a dr's app't on Wednesday, and everything's going well! I can't believe it, it's all going by too quickly!

1 comment:

Donovan Yaciuk said...

That kicking really is a sight to see.... I honestly don't know how you sleep at night! Baby is doing everything in it's power to wake you up!