Wednesday, October 24, 2007

First pre-natal class, down the hatch!

Last night, Donovan and I went to our first pre-natal class. (Technically, it was the 2nd class held, but last week I was on a plane to Calgary for a meeting and had to skip out. On our FIRST class. I hope that doesn't make me a bad mother!!!)

Ok, so last night - we're SO glad we went, it was unlike anything we had expected. The facilitator is great, the people are nice, the info is a tad overwhelming.

The videos.....well, the videos....

After watching the videos, I leaned over to Donovan and told him, in as calm a voice as possible so as not to draw attention to myself or to convey to him the sheer panic that I was sure was swelling up in my throat, that "they" (being the powers that be) needed to find a different way of getting this baby out of me, because there's NO WAY I was going to go through what I witnessed on the screen before me.

Now I've seen videos like this before in Health class back in junior high, and heck, even TLC's The Baby Story can be a bit unnerving, but to know that this is REAL, and that we're 2 months away from THAT being ME on the bed, screaming bloody murder and squeezing an 8lb baby out of an opening the size of a coaster - well, it's just more real now, and I think the fear is starting to set in.

The only thing that got me through those videos was my baby - thank goodness the baby was doing gymnastics in my belly, because watching the entertainment our little Jelly Bean provided certainly took my mind off the pain I'll be going through to bring it into this world!

2 months until I can have a glass of wine...

Scratch that.

2 months until I can have a BOTTLE of wine. Or 2. !!!

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