Sunday, November 4, 2007

32 weeks = 8 MONTHS!!! HOLY COW!!!

I know I say this quite a bit, but WOW, time is flying!!!

I'm happy to report that I'm still stretch-mark and hemorrhoid free!!! LOL! Since the loss of my ankles (I now have solid tree trunks for legs, all the way down to my new puffy feet!), I've noticed that I've been retaining heaps of water all over. Well, by "I've noticed", I really mean, "my wedding rings don't fit anymore, no matter how hard I try!" So Donovan, being the sweetheart that he is, bought me a brand new ring to wear for the remainder of my pregnancy, so I don't have old ladies giving me dirty looks from the corners of their eyes anymore!

The $19.99 Superstore special! And it's a GORGEOUS forgery!

Nothing really new to report - work's getting tougher, standing on my feet 8.5hrs a day'll do that to you, and I find when I get home, I'm ready for bed. So I haven't been heaps of fun lately. Really, really tired - leg cramps, shooting pains, and all the other fun stuff that goes along with it....and I'm enjoying every minute of it!!! :)

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