Tuesday, November 13, 2007

33 1/2 weeks - baby's getting a tad too cozy in there!

About 6 1/2 weeks to go, and this baby is finding its way around my "trunkal" region quite nicely! In fact, baby's getting a bit too cozy in my torso, if you ask me!

The big thing for the baby now, I've learned, is that the baby likes to go exploring.... and has just recently decided that it wants to try to climb up inside my rib cage!

At least we know we have a curious little jelly bean on our hands!

Baby likes to hang out on the right side of my belly, and Donovan and I find great pleasure in patting the little bum that pokes out from my side!

Tonite was our second-last prenatal class. Sooo glad we're doing it, we've learned so much and we're having fun! It's just too bad that it's 10:30pm now, and I've been up since 3am. A tad tired...I'm going to bed now (which usually means baby's in full-on "let's explore and play" mode!)

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