Monday, December 17, 2007


I just got off the phone with my mom, who informed me in a giddy tone that the big event is scheduled to happen next week.


I prefer to say 11 days - that sounds a lot farther away than "next week" does!

So much to do, so little time.....but then, can anyone REALLY be truly ready for baby? There's always gonna be SOMETHING that needs to get done....right?


Do I have any reason to be freaking out now?!?!?

On another note.....

I feel like we're living in a home for seniors. My sister informed me the other day that if my water breaks and I'm in bed, then we might as well throw away the mattress, because once amniotic fluid gets in there, there's no getting it out.

So we've plastic'd the bed.....the first of many items of furniture I have a feeling we'll be covering.

Now when we sleep at night, and roll over, all you hear is the crinkle of the plastic, and if you're not careful, you could seriously slide right off the bed!

Last week, I finished washing all the new baby clothes, including those teeny tiny little socks. There were probably 10 pairs of socks in the package I bought from our Grand Forks excursion (because, you know, they don't sell baby socks in Canada!!! lol). Anyhoo, I through them all in the dryer, and when the cycle was up and I went in to collect, I was missing one freakin' sock!

How does that happen?

I thought the sock gremlins only came after adult I know!


- My fingers are so sore and swollen that I can't even THINK about ATTEMPTING to make a fist. My hands just won't do it.
- Still not one night I can confidently say I've slept through.
- My tailbone feels like it's been shattered into a million pieces.
- My knees feel incredibly weak - I feel like I'm going to tumble over every time I try to stand up!
- I'm feeling lots of knees or feet under my hand when I rub my belly, and I'm really going to miss it!

My bag is kinda sort almost's bag is good to go.....the upholstery in the car has been shampooed, so we're ready to put the car seat in it and it's all nice and clean for baby's ride home! it just me, or has this time completely flown by???

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